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As this is a Twitch video, that means auto-play is involved. So head past the break for the recording!

This information comes from the latest issue of Famitsu…

– Titled “The Adventure of the Foggy Night and I”
– Ryuunosuke takes on the defense of the famous Japanese author, Natsume Souseki
– Ryuunosuke is again asked by Chief Justice Vortex to stand in court
– The defendant is Souseki
– He is a Japanese transfer student living with his cat, Wagahai
– Souseki is accused of stabbing a young woman
– He admits he and the victim were the only ones at the scene
– Souseki wound up running away
– Ryuunosuke and Susato take the case
– The two begin interviewing the townspeople on the street near the murder scene
– One of the people they encounter is John Garrideb
– John is a well-to-do gentleman who seems to take his name from a Sherlock Holmes story, “The Adventure of the Three Garridebs”
– They also run into Iris, who shows off her own skills of deduction, putting Ryuunosuke on the receiving end of a Holmesian observe-and-deduce session
– Man shown in Famitsu who seems to be from the police – he appeared on the boxart under Vortex.


We’ve posted the video after the break due to auto-play.

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