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Compile Heart

Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force is set to arrive as a digital download on the Switch eShop tomorrow. Take a look at some early footage below.

The RPG Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force lands on the Switch eShop next Thursday. Watch a trailer for the game below.

Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark is due out on January 17.

Idea Factory has passed along a new set of screenshots from Fencer F: Advent Dark Force on Switch showing the game’s Fairize element.

Here’s the information on that system:

Super Neptunia RPG has received a new batch of details and screenshots covering Magic Gems, Quests, and Hunt Quests. We’ve rounded up everything below, courtesy of Gematsu.

Super Neptunia RPG

Super Neptunia RPG has received a new batch of details covering skills and abilities. We’ve rounded up the information below, courtesy of Gematsu.

Amazon has posted the official boxart for Super Neptunia RPG. Get a look at the packaging image above.


Super Neptunia RPG

During a Tokyo Game Show live stream, Japanese 4Gamer showcased the latest footage from Super Neptunia RPG. We’ve included the recording below.

Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force is coming to Switch, Idea Factory has announced. The game launches on the eShop this fall with Ghostlight handling publishing duties in Europe.

Compile Heart originally made Fairy Fencer F, which will be appearing on Switch for the first time. All 25 DLC will be included.

Super Neptunia RPG

Idea Factory has narrowed down the western release date for Super Neptunia RPG. In both North America and Europe, fans can look for the game in Spring 2019.

Super Neptunia RPG will feature original Japanese and English voiceover options. English and French subtitles will be included.

We have the opening movie for Super Neptunia RPG below, which features the four Goddesess in Gamindustri: Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert.

Source: Idea Factory PR

Super Neptunia RPG

At Japan Expo 2018 a few weeks ago, Super Neptunia RPG was playable on Switch. We have some off-screen footage from the playable demo below.

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