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Devolver Digital

Devolver Digital

Devolver Digital is offering its entire catalog of Switch titles at lower prices thanks to a new Cyber Deals sale for Black Friday 2020. Fans can save up to 75 percent on various games.

Here’s the full lineup:

Exit the Gungeon - "Hello to Arms"

Exit the Gungeon recently received its major “Hello to Arms” update, otherwise known as version 2.1.0. Dodge Roll has now published the full patch notes.

Here’s the full rundown:

Serious Sam Collection

Serious Sam Collection was announced for Switch earlier this week, and we now have a trailer showing off the full package. View it below.

Serious Sam Collection, which includes Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter and Serious Sam 3: BFE, launches on November 17. We have some additional information here.

Exit the Gungeon - "Hello to Arms"

Devolver Digital and Dodge Roll have shared a new Exit the Gungeon trailer to highlight the just-released Hello to Arms update. Give it a look below.

Serious Sam Collection

Serious Sam Collection is slated to launch on Switch next week. Check out some gameplay footage below.

Serious Sam Collection is expected to launch on November 13.

Serious Sam Collection

Serious Sam Collection is coming to Switch, an eShop listing reveals. It will launch digitally on November 17.

You’ll be getting three games with the Serious Sam Collection: Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, and Serious Sam 3: BFE. The Legend of the Beast and Jewel of the Nile expansions are packed in as well.

Here’s an overview of Serious Sam Collection, along with a few screenshots:

Exit the Gungeon - "Hello to Arms"

Exit the Gungeon has been on Switch for several months, but the game is about to receive some notable new content. Devolver Digital and Dodge Roll announced a new “Hello to Arms” update, which arrives this week.

Hello to Arms includes the following:

My Friend Pedro

Devolver Digital has kicked off a new sale on the Switch eShop. Enter the Gungeon, Hotline Miami Collection, My Friend Pedro, and The Messenger are among the highlights.

Below is the full lineup of included games:

Disc Room

Disc Room, the latest game for Switch published by Devolver Digital, finds its way to Switch today. Have a look at some footage below.

Disc Room is being distributed digitally for Switch via the eShop.

Disc Room

Devolver Digital has shared the official launch trailer for Disc Room ahead of its release later this week. Get a look at the video below.

Disc Room is slated for October 22 on the Switch eShop.

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