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Fire Emblem Heroes

The new Tempest Trials: A Gift of Peace started in Fire Emblem Heroes today. Check out some footage of the maps and summoning below.

The newest tempest trial has just gone live and will be up til January 9th. The character reward for this one will once again be Masked Marth, with the bonus characters being the new holiday themed characters plus Frederick, Nowi, Masked Marth and Lucina. Good luck!

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes has updated once again with the latest content. Starting today and lasting for 11 days, players can experience Daily Special Maps. You’ll receive 1 Orb the first time you clear each map regardless of whether you play on Normal or Hard mode.

Each map can be played for one week. The event concludes on January 3.

Source: Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes has updated, and the Navarre Grand Hero Battle has returned. Players can take on the challenge in Special Maps. If you defeat Navarre, you’ll add him to your party, and doing so on Infernal difficulty is awaiting those who completed the challenge previously

Nintendo has also make limited-time special quests available. Even if you’ve beaten them previously, you can earn an additional Grand Hero by clearing quests.

The Grand Hero Battle event lasts until December 30.

Source: Fire Emblem Heroes

A new tempest trial will be live on December 26th and to prepare a summoning focus featuring Nowi, Lucina and Frederick has gone live and will last til January 9th.

A new summoning focus is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. This summoning focus is called “Weapons to Refine Part 2” and is a continuation of the last summoning focus in this series.

The Weapons to Refine Part 2 summoning focus features 5 star versions of Eldigan, Minerva, and Jaffar and will be available until January 4th.

A number of quests have become available for the unit Sharena in Fire Emblem Heroes to earn a number of rewards including orbs. You will be able to do these quests until January 2nd.

Fire Emblem Heroes Christmas-themed content has arrived. For a look at the maps and summoning event, take a look at the video below.

The new Winter’s Envoy summoning focus has just gone live, you will be able to obtain holiday armored versions of Tharja, Chrom, Lissa and Robin. This will be available for 13 days.

Finally the holiday themed Fire Emblem Heroes summoning focus is coming out December 18th. It will include Lissa, Chrom, Robin and Tharja. You can check out their festive outfits down below.

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