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Fire Emblem Heroes

fire emblem heroes Fae Childlike Dragon

Fae: Childlike Dragon is joining Fire Emblem Heroes as the game’s next Legendary Hero, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced.

The character originates from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. She’s voiced by Sarah Blandy and features art by Himukai Yuji. Furthermore, Fae: Childlike Dragon comes with the skills Dazzling Breath, Life Unending, Distant Stance, Dragon’s Ire 3, and Def/Res Menace.

In addition to the return of several past events for Fire Emblem Heroes, some new content is arriving to the mobile game today. Here’s the latest information on the new Summoning Event and Special Maps:

Intelligent Systems has announced that a new update is scheduled for Fire Emblem Heroes adding new weapons to refine, new event content, and more. Here are the full patch notes for the update, slated to arrive on Android and iOS next week:

The Ascended Heroes event continues in Fire Emblem Heroes with a new Hero and some other content, along with returning events each day. Check out the details from the official Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account below the break.

Fire Emblem Heroes Ascended Fjorm

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced a New Heroes & Ascended Fjorm summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes.

Characters from Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem and Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem will be appear, including Wolf: Coyote’s Loyal, Malice: Deft Sellsword, and Roshea: Coyote’s Faithful. If that wasn’t enough, we’ll be seeing a new Hero type, the Ascended Hero. Fjorm: Ice Ascendant has grasped a new power and will be featured. Finally, a new story chapter is being added as well. 

A new Summoning Event is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. Here are the details from the official Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account:

Several new pieces of content are available today in Fire Emblem Heroes, including a new Summoning Event. Check out the details on what’s being added below the break.

fire emblem heroes update 5.10.0

A new 5.10.0 update has gone live for Fire Emblem Heroes. The mobile game has added an Available Memento Events feature in Heroes Journey as well as Memory Fragments, new weapon skills and weapons to refine, and much more.

Below are the full patch notes for the Fire Emblem Heroes version 5.10.0 update:

New content is available today in Fire Emblem Heroes, including new Tempest Trials preparations and a new Summoning Event. Check out the full details on what’s new below the break.

Fire Emblem Heroes Shared Bounty

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced a new Shared Bounty event for the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes. It will be going live in just a few days.

The upcoming event will feature Robin: Fall Reincarnation (Fire Emblem Awakening, voiced by David Vincent, art by Okuma Yugo), Rhea: Witch of Creation (from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, voiced by Cherami Leigh, art by ichikawa Halu), Kurthnaga: Autumn Goldoan (from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, voiced by Brandon Winckler, art by hou), and Sothis: Bound-Spirit Duo (from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, voiced by Cassandra Lee Morris and Zach Aguilar, art by azu-taro). A new Paralogue Story is also planned.

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