Fire Emblem Heroes releases August 2023 Feh Channel presentation
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes is offering up a look at what’s on the horizon for the mobile game with a new Feh Channel presentation for August 2023.
The first item on the docket covers the Summer Celebration with various events and activities planned in the near future. We also get to hear about Invitation to Tea summoning event (Lysithea: Tea Sweetener, Ferdinand: Highborn Sipper, Sigurd: Proper Pourer, and Tailtiu: Teatime Manager). Lastly, there’s some news about the next version update.
Fire Emblem Heroes adding Freyr: Dream-King as new Mythic Hero
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Freyr: Dream-King is the latest Mythic Hero to be announced for Fire Emblem Heroes.
The character is voiced by Jason Marnocha and features art from Yoshiku. His lineup of learnable skills at five stars include Dream Horn, Ignis, Atk/Def Clash 4, Lull Atk/Def 4, and Dream Deliverer.
Fire Emblem Heroes announces Rearmed Eitr & Rearmed Alcryst summoning event
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Rearmed Eitr & Rearmed Alcryst is next up as the latest summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes. It will include Diamant: Rising Power (voiced by Stephen Fu, art by Suekane Kumiko), Citrinne: Caring Noble (voiced by Brittney Karbowski, art by ne-on), Alcryst: Tender Archer (voiced by Micah Solusod, art by sena), and Eitr: Hand of Nothing (voiced by Caitlyn Elizabeth, art by Kippu).
Diamant’s learnable skills are Fair-Fight Blade, Bonfire, and Atk/Def Finish 4. Citrinne’s are Tome of Luxuries, Iceberg, Special Spiral 4, and Atk/Res Oath 4. For Alcryst, the skills are Arcane Darkbow, Deadeye, Flash Sparrow, Get Behind Me, and Def/Res Smoke 3. Lastly, Eitr has Arcane Nihility, Luna, Power of Nihility, Beast Sense 4, Alarm Atk/Spd.
Fire Emblem Heroes announces Summer Firsts summoning event
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Yet another Fire Emblem Heroes summoning event is on the way, this time for Summer Firsts. It will include Ivy: Tidal Breeze (voiced by Reba Buhr, art by cuboon), Fjorm: Seaside Thaw (voiced by Heather Watson, art by Maeshima Shigeki), Tharja: Beach Dark Mage (voiced by Stephanie Sheh, art by Mai Okuma), and Ymir: Seasons of Life (voiced by Erin Yvette and Xanthe Huynh, art by ichikawa Halu)
The skills for Ivy include Divine Draught, Glimmer, Still Water 4, Sabotage A/R 3, and Soaring Guidance. Fjorm can use Ice-Bound Brand, Frostbite Mirror, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Spurn 4, and Time’s Pulse 4. For Tharja it’s Seashell Bowl+, Draw Back, S/R Far Trace 3, and Atk/Spd Gap 3. Lastly, Ymir has Sparkling Sun, Moonbow, Fireblood Boost 3, Mystic Boost 4, and Everliving Domain.
Fire Emblem Heroes update announced (version 7.7.0), patch notes
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced the next update for Fire Emblem Heroes, version 7.7.0.
The game is adding new skills for a Legendary and Mythic Hero, the lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals is being updated, new weapon skills and weapons will be available, and more.
The official patch notes for the Fire Emblem Heroes version 7.7.0 update are as follows:
Fire Emblem Heroes adding Guinivere: Princess of Bern as Legendary Hero
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Guinivere: Princess of Bern has been revealed as the next Legendary Hero in Fire Emblem Heroes.
The character is voiced by Erika Harlacher and has art by Asatani Tomoyo. Her learnable skills include Radiant Aureola, Iceberg, Spd/Res Finish 4, Null C-Disrupt 4, and Bern’s New Way.
Fire Emblem Heroes announces Summer Longing summoning event
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes just revealed a new Summer Longing summoning event. It will include Shez: Mercenary Shine (voiced by Dawn M. Bennett, art by yamanokami), Ephraim: Sunshine Valiant (voiced by Greg Chun, art by PenekoR), L’Arachel: Summer Princess (voiced by Carrie Keranen, art by Fuzichoco), and Shamir: Heartbeats United (voiced by Allegra Clark + Laura Post, art by kainown).
Players can count on Shez having the skills Surfer’s Spire, Glimmer, Swift Slice, Lull Spd/Defense 4, and Atk/Def Menace. For Ephraim, the lineup is Seafoam Splitter, Bonfire, Atk/Def Clash 4, Sunlight Bangle, and Alarm Atk/Def. L’Arachel is able to use Seaside Parasol+, Recover+, Earthwind Balm+, Blade Session 3, and Wrathful Staff 3. Finally, Shamir’s skills are Partnership Bow, Deadeye, Remote Sparrow, Brash Assault 4, and Fatal Smoke 3.
Fire Emblem Heroes announces New Heroes & Mythic Heiðr summoning event
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
New Heroes & Mythic Heiðr has been announced as the latest summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes. Fir: Swordmaiden (voiced by Liv Strander, art by kiyu), Noah: Mercenary-Errant (voiced by Aaron Dismuke, art by nekomochi), Dorothy: Devoted Archer (voiced by Bindy Coda, art by kawasumi), and Heiðr: Innocent Goddess (art by Alice Himora, art by Yoshiku) make up the lineup this time.
Fir can learn the skills Vassal-Saint Steel, Glimmer, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Phys. Null Follow, and Atk/Spd Oath 4. Noah has Ilian Merc Lance, Luna, Flow Guard 3, and Alarm Spd/Def. Dorothy is capable of learning Defier’s Bow+, Ardent Sacrifice, Spd/Res Ideal 3, and Atk/Res Oath 3. Finally, Heiðr’s skills are Heiðr, Gold Serpent, Remote Sparrow, Mag. Null Follow, and Panic Smoke 4.
Fire Emblem Heroes update announced (version 7.6.0), patch notes
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced a new version 7.6.0 for Fire Emblem Heroes.
Version 7.6.0 comes with the usual additions like new weapon skills and weapons to refine. Also being updated is the lineup of limited-time Combat Manuals, Aether Raids, Summoner Duels, and more.
The full patch notes for the Fire Emblem Heroes version 7.6.0 update are as follows:
Fire Emblem Heroes adding Hinoka: Thundering Wings as new Legendary Hero
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Hinoka: Thundering Wings is set to join Fire Emblem Heroes as a new Legendary Hero, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced.
Hinoka is voiced by Cindy Robinson and features art from Kita Senri. Her learnable skills include Fujin-Raijin Yumi, Deadeye, Atk/Spd Catch 4, Wings of Mercy 4, and Rallying Cry.