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Intelligent Systems

Another new summoning focus is now available for you guys to try out, this one focuses on Threaten Def and includes Peri, Ephraim and Raven and will go until the 18th. There will also be double experience on most maps. The exp bonus will last until September 11th.

Also the final voting gauntlet has started between Ike and Camilla, so now is the time to choose your side if you lost in the earlier parts of the gauntlet.

Yesterday a short live action trailer for Fire Emblem Heroes was released to celebrate the newest summoning focus and the upcoming battle with the Black Knight. There is actually a full version of the video that actually shows a little of the backstory of Ike and the Black Knight from Path of Radiance. Check it out below.

Fire Emblem Heroes updated with a bunch of new content last night, including a summoning event. Get a look at some footage in the video below.

Fire Emblem Heroes’ latest summoning event, the long-awaited Choose Your Legends banner, is sure to draw a lot of attention. It seems like Nintendo agrees, since they went out of their way and released a live-action commercial for it, featuring Ike, Lucina, Roy, Lyn and even the fan favorite Black Knight, who sadly isn’t in the game yet. Check it out:

A new Fire Emblem Heroes update is now live which means there is a lot of new things to go over.

First off, the “Brave Heroes” summoning focus is now available which features 5 star versions of the Choose Your Legends versions of Lucina, Roy, Lyn, and Ike. Remember you won’t have to use an Orb on your first summon for this focus. There is also another summoning focus called “Free Summon: Brave Heroes” which allows you to get one of the new special characters for free but only once.

The Brave Heroes summoning focus also come with a new Paralogue Story and quests allowing you to get Orbs and Feathers.

The Choose Your Legends Voting Gauntlet is also now live which feature the Top 8 Heroes from the Choose your Legends event that people voted for before the game launched this year. The first round will allow you to choose either Lucina, Roy, Lyn, Ike, Hector, Tharja, Chrom, or Camilla.

There is also new quests available for the Voting Gauntlet which allows you to get Battle Flags for the gauntlet. This round for the Choose Your Legend Voting Gauntlet will last until September 2nd.

Finally, the Quick Hero Battle minigame is now live on the official website which allows you to get even more bonus Orbs and Feathers. You can click here or scan the QR code below with your mobile device to play the minigame.

Fire Emblem Heroes has been around for about half a year, and the game is starting up its Choose Your Legends bonus banner tomorrow. With that in mind, Polygon spoke with Intelligent Systems director Kouhei Maeda and Nintendo director Shingo Matsushita about the mobile game. Topics include some of the risque art created for Fire Emblem Heroes, overpowered teams, caution over power creep, and player frustration with colorless units.

Read Maeda and Matsushita comments about these points below. You can find the full interview on Polygon here.

Fire Emblem Heroes has a new Brave Heroes event. Tying in with that, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have created some special art for the mobile game.

What’s noteworthy here is some text on Lucina’s sword. After it was translated, fans noticed that it roughly signifies “anime project success”. Fans are now hoping that this is a sign about an anime, though we’re quite far from a confirmation at this point. Regardless, is it something you’d like to see?

SourcE, Via

Nintendo has released a new trailer for the Brave Heroes summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes. Check it out below.

A support system has been a staple feature of Fire Emblem games for a long while now. However, it has been absent from the series’ recent mobile release, Fire Emblem Heroes. It seems like that might be changing soon though. The game’s latest update has been datamined, and among other things, such as the stats of the Choose Your Legends heroes, the update also contains the following line:

MID_TIPS_0018: Strengthen your allies through\nAlly Support! Allies who are\npartnered up will gain a stat\nboost when they fight near\neach other.\n\nYou can find Ally Support\nunder Advanced Growth in the\nAllies menu.

So far, this is just a tip that can appear on a loading screen and apparently nothing else about this supposed support system has been found in the game’s files, so don’t count on it being actually available in the game soon. Still, it’ll be interesting to see how Intelligent Systems will actually implement it in a game with so many characters.


Narcian has returned with his special maps and some new special quests. He comes in three difficulties including infernal. Narcian’s stages will last until September 7th.

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