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The latest round of Nintendo maintenance will be taking place on Thursday. According to a page on the company’s website, the Wii U and 3DS eShops are both expected to be affected. The maintenance period will take place between 1 PM PT and 5 PM PT.

It’s also worth mentioning that Pokemon X and Pokemon Y will be seeing their own round of downtime. Maintenance for the two games is set to occur at 5 PM PT on Monday, lasting through 7 AM PT the following day. Online play, rankings, and other online elements may be affected.


A new round of maintenance is expected to take place later today (tomorrow depending where you live) for the online services pertaining to both Wii U and 3DS. The two platforms will be seeing downtime between 9 PM PT and 12 AM PT (12 AM ET and 3 AM ET). Fortunately, the maintenance period seems to be relatively short.

Source, Via 1, Via 2

Wii U and 3DS will be experiencing extended maintenance this coming Monday (Sunday if you’re on the west coast).

Various online aspects will be affected between 12 PM ET and 2 PM ET (9 PM PT and 11 PM PT). These include online play, rankings, and more.

Here’s the full rundown of when maintenance will be taking place:

a) Europe : 6AM to 8AM
b) UK : 5AM to 7AM
c) USA (East Coast) : 12AM to 2PM
d) USA (West Coast) : 9PM to 11PM (Sunday)
e) Japan : 2PM to 4PM

You can find your time here.

Source, Via

Pokemon X/Y will be down for maintenance  once again next Monday (Tuesday in Europe). Online play, rankings, and other features will be unavailable between 4 PM PT and 12 AM PT. Here’s hoping these maintenance periods are paving the wave for Pokemon Bank’s launch in the west!


A quick heads up for the Pokemon X/Y players out there: online maintenance will be taking place for the two games on Monday. Online play, rankings, and other aspects will be affected for a six hour window.

Here’s the official rundown of Pokemon X/Y’s imminent maintenance:

From Monday, January 27, 2014 4:00 PM to Monday, January 27, 2014 10:00 PM Pacific Time (6pm to midnight Eastern) / From Tuesday, 28 January 2014 00:00 to Tuesday, 28 January 2014 06:00 UK time (01:00 to 07:00 Central Europe)
Affected Services:
Nintendo 3DS
Online Play, Rankings, etc. for Pokémon™ X, Pokémon™ Y

Source, Via 1, Via 2

Pokemon X and Pokemon Y’s online features will be affected by a short maintenance period today. Between 7 PM and 9 PM ET, online play, rankings, and other aspects may be unavailable. The maintenance window won’t be too long, but players should be aware of the downtime in any case.

Source, Via

Nintendo will be carrying out a bit of maintenance on Wii Sports Club tomorrow. Between 6:15 AM PT and 7:00 AM PT, online play, rankings, and other online aspects will be unavailable.

Could this have something to do with tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct? Perhaps Wii Sports Club will be receiving golf!

Source, Via

Nintendo is planning some heavy maintenance for its online services next Monday. Between 9 AM PT and 8 PM PT, the Wii U/3DS eShops, Wii Shop Channel, and DSi Shop will be affected. Perhaps Nintendo is gearing up for the 3DS’ upcoming firmware update?

Source, Via

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