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XSEED Games issued a new trailer to highlight Senran Kagura Reflexions’s September 13 launch on Switch in North America. View it below.

Senran Kagura Reflexions, which initially launched in Japan last year, will arrive on Switch in the west next month. That’s according to a new listing on the North American eShop, which has dated the game.

The listing has the following overview:

Nintendo of Europe has prepared a new Daemon X Machina video from Gamescom 2018 that shows new gameplay. Check it out below.

Nintendo UK published its own interview with Daemon X Machina producer Kenichiro Tsukuda today. Tsukuda spoke more about the game, including the story and visuals. He also teased reveals that are planned for Gamescom 2018 later this month.

The full interview can be read below:

Daemon X Machina

Nintendo has a new video up with Daemon X Machina producer Kenichiro Tsukuda from Marvelous. Listen to Tsukuda talk about the upcoming Switch title below.

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura

Marvelous has passed along a handful of screenshots and art from Peach Ball: Senran Kagura, which was fully unveiled this week. We have the images below – NSFW warning of course.

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura

During the Senran Kagura New Title Presentation 2018, first footage from Peach Ball: Senran Kagura was shown. Marvelous has also shared the game’s opening animation.

We have both videos below. Just be warned – this probably isn’t something you should watch at work.

Amazon Japan has added in a listing for Peach Ball: Senran Kagura. We’re able to get a first look at the limited edition packaging, boxart, and first screenshots as a result.

The limited edition includes a copy of the game, a physical version of Senran Kagura Reflexions with the additional characters and three new Fabulous Reflexions, and a downloadable content code. Pricing is set at 9,960 yen.

Finally, we have a few screenshots from Peach Ball: Senran Kagura below. They’re a bit on the small side, but they do give us an actual look at the game.

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura

Following its initial announcement a year ago, Peach Ball: Senran Kagura has resurfaced in this week’s issue of Famitsu. The magazine reveals a release date of December 13 and Japan and shares first actual details.

Here’s what we know:

Daemon X Machina will be added to the Switch arsenal in 2019. Recently, Japanese website 4Gamer pulled out the big guns to interview the producer Kenichiro Tsukuda (which we translated here). With new details on Femto, the Arsenal, and Outers popping up, I decided it’s time for me to look at the inners and shared what I discovered. Please enjoy!

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