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Playtonic finally delivered the news Switch fans had been waiting for regarding Yooka-Laylee. After a fairly lengthy wait, the 3D platformer is confirmed for December 14 as an eShop download.

Nintendo Life spoke with Playtonic Games’ creative lead and managing director Gavin Price following the news. Price talked about the original reception, how Yooka-Laylee’s visuals on Switch stack up to other versions, and a possible physical release.

Comments to these topics can be found below. The full interview is located here.

Yooka-Laylee was confirmed for Switch many months ago. However, it wasn’t until today that we received a release date for the game. Playtonic will have the game ready for a December 14 launch on the eShop.

In an interview with Eurogamer, Playtonic director Gavin Price commented on the long wait. Price explained that since Switch is a new platform and the team is using a middleware engine, “it adds another link to the change” and they’ve had lots to learn. He did reiterate that Unity and Nintendo, as well as publisher Team17, provided assistance on a technical level.

IGN posted a new video showing some of the first off-screen Yooka-Laylee footage on Switch. Take a look at the gameplay below.

Playtonic has confirmed Yooka-Laylee’s resolution on Switch. When playing docked, the game runs at 900p. It’ll drop down to 600p in portable mode.

After many months of waiting, Playtonic just announced today that Yooka-Laylee is heading to Switch on December 14. Pre-orders will begin a week prior.


Yooka-Laylee is launching for Switch on December 14, Playtonic has announced. Pre-orders will start on the eShop beginning December 7.

Playtonic says that Yooka-Laylee “features a shed-load of polish and updates” on Switch. These include single Joy-Con play in all eight multiplayer games and a custom achievement system. Improvements that have been made to Yooka-Laylee over time will also be in the Switch version, including a new camera mode, control improvements, menu options, music, and more.

Playtonic Games has added to their website an update post on the progress of Yooka-Laylee on the Switch. The indie developer has stated that it currently cannot commit to a release date due to some bugs in the current Unity engine. The arrival of Unity 5.6 should fix these issues, according to Playtonic.

The full statement is as follows:

Playtonic offered up a new status update on the Switch version of Yooka-Laylee today. The 3D platformer is entering testing, and once that’s complete, a release date should be announced “shortly after”. We’re hoping that launch isn’t too far off.

Here’s the official tweet from Playtonic:


Playtonic offered a status update on the Switch version of Yooka-Laylee on its blog. The studio will be entering a testing phase on Nintendo’s platform soon, and will have a release date soon after if all goes well.

Playtonic also confirmed that “all of the important additions and changes contained in our upcoming game update will be included on day one” for Switch. Also highlighted is the ability to play Yooka-Laylee on the go, of course.

Speaking of updates, Playtonic has outlined what will be included in that big update. Continue on below for the full details.

Yooka-Layee’s initial launch took place last month. Of course, we’re still waiting on the Switch version – which Playtonic is still working on.

Aside from the Switch edition, Playtonic is also tinkering away on improving the overall Yooka-Laylee experience. The team promises to “add significant improvements and introduce some of the most requested features,” such as “the optional ability to skip dialogue faster, bypass cutscenes or reduce those pesky gibberish voices” along with an improved camera. Presumably this will all be included when Yooka-Laylee is ready on Switch.

Playtonic wrote on its blog:

Playtonic’s first project is the 3D platformer Yooka-Laylee, which began to launch this month (the Switch version is coming a bit later on). The team could have ended up going in a different direction though.

When asked about the possibility of creating something along the lines of Yooka-Laylee Racing during an EGX Rezzed session earlier this month, Playtonic’s Gavin Price acknowledged that fan interest is there. He also revealed that, when starting out with Playtonic, he thought a project in that genre “might actually be the first game we do.” Gavin ended with: “Let’s wait and see.”

Many staffers at Playtonic formally worked at Rare. Back in the day, Rare worked on the much-beloved Diddy Kong Racing for the N64.

Thanks to Stephan P for the tip.

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