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Raw Fury

Dandara launch trailer

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News | 2 Comments

Raw Fury has gone live with the official launch trailer for Dandara ahead of its February 6 release. Check it out below.

Dandara launches on Switch via the eShop on February 6. To prepare for release, you can now pre-load the game. This applies to both North America and Europe.

If you pre-load, you can save 20% on the final price. The current cost is $11.99, but it will normally be set at $14.99.

Thanks to tenakira for the tip.

Source: Switch eShop

Thanks to a listing on the European eShop, we have a final release date for Dandara for Switch. Raw Fury previously confirmed that the game would be out sometime next month. According to the new listing, it’s scheduled for February 6.

Dandara was featured during the first Nindies Showcase nearly a year ago. It’s a new Metroidvania 2D platformer that’s “full of mystical creatures and boundless exploration.”

We have more information about Dandara below, along with the original Switch announcement video.

We haven’t heard much about Dandara in recent months, but it’s definitely still in the works. Publisher Raw Fury also shared a status update today.

Dandara is currently planned to arrive on Switch sometime in February. To tide fans over, the game’s title screen was sent out on Raw Fury’s Twitter account that offers a taste of the music.


Kingdom: New Lands has received free DLC on Switch, and it won’t cost you a single penny. The Skull Island content update is out now.

Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect:

Uurnog Uurnlimited, a new game from Nifflas and Raw Fury, arrived on the Switch eShop today. Have a look at some footage below.

Uurnog Uurnlimited is joining the eShop next week, Raw Fury has announced. The game, which was developed by Nifflas, is currently planned for November 21.

Raw Fury tweeted out the news:

You can watch a lengthy live stream for Uurnog Uurnlimited below.


A new patch is out now for Kingdom: New Lands. The update addresses issues with frame rate drops, implements a new home menu icon (see above), and more.

The full patch notes are as follows:


Raw Fury issued a new update for GoNNER on Switch today. Version 1.01 is available now.

GoNNER now has support for the “B” button to go back to the previous menu. A number of issues have also been addressed.

The full patch notes are as follows:

Raw Fury stopped by Twitch’s stream at the Tokyo Game Show last week to show off Uurnog Uurnlimited. For a look at the game, view the video below.

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