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THQ Nordic

THQ Nordic won’t be attending E3 2018 this year, the company confirmed today. Rather than showing up for the expo, the publisher has decided to be home for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

THQ Nordic does intend to be present for Gamescom 2018. Upcoming titles as well as some unannounced games will be shown there.

We’ve included the full press release from THQ Nordic below.

Legend of Kay Anniversary was announced for Switch earlier in the year. Today, THQ Nordic confirmed that the game will be launching for Nintendo’s console on May 29.

We have some information about Legend of Kay Anniversary below, along with a trailer.

Following a lengthy delay, Battle Chasers: Nightwar has finally secured a release date on Switch. THQ Nordic has announced that it’s due out on May 15.

Battle Chasers: Nightwar will cost $39.99 / €39.99 / £34.99 on Switch. That applies to both physical and digital releases.

Battle Chasers: Nightwar features a mix of dungeon crawling and turn-based combat gameplay. It also has “a rich story and a gorgeous JRPG style”.

Source: THQ Nordic PR

Titan Quest trailer

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments

THQ Nordic has prepared a new trailer for its action RPG Titan Quest. Have a look at today’s video.

Titan Quest is out on a few platforms today, but is also in development for Switch. THQ Nordic says the Switch version will release “when it is done.”

The long wait for Battle Chasers: Nightwar on Switch is almost over. It has now been approved by Nintendo, which is one of the final steps needed prior to launch.

Developer Airship Syndicate tweeted out the following today:

We’ll bring you the Switch release date for Battle Chasers: Nightwar as soon as we have it.


Battle Chasers: Nightwar is taking one big step forward towards its Switch launch. The game has finally been submitted to Nintendo, which is one of the final steps of the process. When it’s approved, a release date will be announced.

Airship Syndicate passed along the news on Twitter:

Switch owners have been waiting months for a concrete Battle Chasers release date. Thankfully, the saga should soon be over.


Yesterday, THQ Nordic confirmed rumors of de Blob for Switch. The game, originally released for Wii, will be appearing on Nintendo’s latest console sometime this year.

THQ Nordic appears to be readying two more games for Switch as well. The company’s upcoming releases page indicates that de Blob 2 as well as The Raven Remastered are coming to the console.

Announced earlier today, THQ Nordic is publishing de Blob on Switch this holiday. Similar to the company’s other titles, this one will have a physical release. See the boxart above.


The Wii game de Blob is coming to Switch, THQ Nordic has announced. This had been previously rumored through retailer listings.

de Blob is launching on Switch later this year. THQ Nordic is working with Blitworks on the remastered version.

Here’s more information about de Blob:

Yesterday, THQ Nordic announced Legend of Kay Anniversary for Switch. Retailers are now starting to follow up on that by opening pre-orders. Currently, you can reserve the game at Amazon here.

Amazon’s listing contains the boxart and pricing information for Legend of Kay Anniversary. On Switch, at launch, it’ll be priced at $29.99.

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