To All Mankind – Sukhaya Shuka trailer
Posted on 5 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nippon Ichi has published a new trailer for their upcoming survival title To All Mankind, focusing on Sukhaya Shuka.
This is set as the fifth of a series of trailers that will focus on the characters of the game. However, Sukhaya Shuka is unique, as she is the first DLC character to be introduced.
Those interested can check out her introduction below, as well as short translated bio from Gematsu.
More: Nippon Ichi, To All Mankind
To All Mankind – Kazumi Komatsu trailer
Posted on 5 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nippon Ichi has published a new trailer for their upcoming survival title To All Mankind, focusing on Kazumi Komatsu.
This is set as the fourth of a series of trailers that will focus on the characters of the game. Those interested can check out her introduction below.
More: Nippon Ichi, To All Mankind
To All Mankind – Yuyuko Oura trailer
Posted on 5 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nippon Ichi has published a new trailer for their upcoming survival title To All Mankind, focusing on Yuyuko Oura.
This is set as the third of a series of trailers that will focus on the characters of the game. Her character bio reads as follows, as translated by Gematsu:
A quarter French girl distinguished by her soft hair. She has a big thirst for knowledge and loves reading books. As such, she has a good head on her shoulders and is like a walking dictionary, rescuing the group in tight situations with all sorts of knowledge.
She addresses everyone with “san” at the end of their names, and is for some reason very shy and distant, but on occasion will open her heart and blend in with the group. She behaves rationally, but genuinely expresses emotions such as happiness and enjoyment.
Those interested can view her trailer below.
More: Nippon Ichi, To All Mankind
To All Mankind – Isana Shouni trailer
Posted on 5 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nippon Ichi has published a new trailer for their upcoming survival title To All Mankind, focusing on Isana Shouni.
This is set as the second of a series of trailers that will focus on the characters of the game.
Those interested can view her trailer below.
More: Nippon Ichi, To All Mankind
To All Mankind – Kyouka Shintou trailer
Posted on 5 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nippon Ichi has published a new trailer for their upcoming survival title To All Mankind, focusing on protagonist Kyouka Shintou.
This is set as the first of series of trailers that will focus on the characters of the game. Kyouka is described as being being the energy of the group, yet also being clumsy.
Those interested can view her trailer below.
More: Nippon Ichi, To All Mankind
To All Mankind systems trailer
Posted on 5 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nippon Ichi has published a new trailer for their upcoming survival title To All mankind, this time focusing on the game’s systems.
The footage shows off the various survival aspects of the game. Those interested can view the video below.
More: Nippon Ichi, To All Mankind
To All Mankind: Opening movie, gameplay information, DLC character details
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Screenshots, Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nippon Ichi has published the opening movie for their upcoming survival game To All Mankind:
They also released some more information on the game, detailing the gameplay flow you’ll be going through (credit goes to Gematsu for the translation):
After waking up at the hotel she is staying at with the other girls, main character Kyouka will explore the ruins of Akihabara, foraging for useful items and supplies. Since Akihabara is a popular tourist destination, she will occasionally find foreign currency – the coins can be used for things other than as spending money though. You will also be able to scavenge various electronic items for parts such as batteries.
You also need to prepare food every day. Depending on what ingredients you use, you also get additional benefits such as increased dexterity or a better chance of finding items. You can choose to forego eating food for a while in order to have time to explore, but being hungry and tired eventually affects your performance in a negative way. There are a variety of recipes you can prepare, and more can be acquired throughout the game.
Additionally, Nippon Ichi provided some details on the game’s downloadable content. For 500 Yen, a new character will join the group about halfway through the game: Sukhaya Shuka. Half-Japanese and half-Russian, this 12 year-old girl is a prodigy who enjoys rakugo and is already enrolled in university, studying aerospace engineering. She is very knowledgeable and can see things the other girls can’t.
Finally, here are some new screenshots of the game:
To All Mankind will launch in Japan on June 27. A Western release hasn’t been announced yet.
More: Nippon Ichi, To All Mankind
To All of Mankind reveals DLC character Sukhaya Shuka
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
This week’s issue of Famitsu provides an update on To All of Mankind. Sukhaya Shuka, who is voiced by Yuki Yagi, will be distributed as a downloadable content character. Pricing is set at 500 yen.
Famitsu mentions that Sukhaya is a half-Japanese, half-Russian exchange student who loves space. Those who buy the DLC will receive clues to understand the mysteries of the world midway into the game.
More: Nippon Ichi, To All Mankind
To All Mankind delayed to June 27 in Japan
Posted on 5 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Nippon Ichi has confirmed that they are delaying the release of To All Mankind to June 27th in Japan.
Launch of the Akihabara-set survival title is being pushed back to accommodate “various quality improvements”, according to the company. The game was previously slated to release on May 30th.
More: Nippon Ichi, To All Mankind
To All Mankind: Promo trailer #2
Posted on 6 years ago by Devin(@Sonicb00m111) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Following up on some new details that were released yesterday, Nippon Ichi has posted another trailer for the survival title To All Mankind.
The footage draws a large focus onto the main cast of girls in the game, and showcases more of a type of post-apocolyptic Akihabara setting.
Those interested can view the video below.