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Fire Emblem Heroes

A couple of quests featuring Anna have just been added to Fire Emblem Heroes. It’s not much, but any chance to gain a couple of orbs is welcomed.

Ver. 1.1.2 for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is up now and is a rather small update all things considered. It is detailed as fixing some small bugs on the app store at this moment.

Pokemon Shuffle update (1/9/18)

Posted on 7 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

In this week of Pokemon Shuffle we have a new Minior stage and Latios Escalation Battle stage lasting until January 23rd. Dialga, Palkia, Zekrom & White Kyurem stages have also returned for players to try out.


Gematsu reported that Birthdays the Beginning is coming to the Switch and will have “drastic system improvements compared to its PlayStation 4 and PC counterparts”. The game will be out March 29th for 5,799 yen.


Pokemon Shuffle update (1/2/18)

Posted on 7 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

In this update of Pokemon Shuffle a new stage featuring Guzzlord and a Kommo-o stage will last til January 16th. A competitive Shiny Mega Charizard X stage has begun too and will last til January 9th. Alolan Ninetales, Black Kyurem, Kyogre & Reshiram have begun repeat runs too.


As previously stated, the New Year will bring Fire Emblem Heroes a few more themed heroes. Azura, Takumi, and Camilla will all be getting various forms. You can check them out in action below.

The newest tempest trial has just gone live and will be up til January 9th. The character reward for this one will once again be Masked Marth, with the bonus characters being the new holiday themed characters plus Frederick, Nowi, Masked Marth and Lucina. Good luck!

In this week’s Pokemon Shuffle we have a new stage, Granbull (Winking), running until January 9th. There will also be an Arcanine and competitive Kyurem stage running til January 2nd.
Buzzwole, Meloetta Pirouette Forme, Hitmonlee, Silvally and Keldeo Resolute Form will also be beginning their repeat runs.


Here’s a trailer for the upcoming Japanese Switch eShop game: Kaiji: Steel Beam Crossing of Despair. The game will be coming out on the 28th for 999 yen, you can see the video down below.

A new tempest trial will be live on December 26th and to prepare a summoning focus featuring Nowi, Lucina and Frederick has gone live and will last til January 9th.

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