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The new Pokemon Shuffle update has some new challenges to face, including the Mega Pidgeot challenge. As teased last week, the battle for Pidgeotite has begun, with players competing to be the best and get the Mega Stone. The top 13,000 in Europe, 20,000 players in North America, and 60,000 in Japan will receive the Pidgeotite when the competition ends on October 18, with other prizes as follows:

  • 3 Mega Speedups and 3 Raise Max Level: Top 200 EU, 300 NA, 1,000 JP
  • 2 Mega Speedups and 2 Raise Max Level: Top 1,000 EU, 1,600 NA, 5,000 JP
  • 1 Mega Speedup and 1 Raise Max Level: Top 5,000 EU, 8,000 NA, 25,000 JP
  • Disruption Delay: 5,001-18,000 EU, 8,001-26,000 NA, 25,000-80,000 JP
  • Attack Power: Any players who didn’t earn the Pidgeotite
  • In addition to the competition, there are several other challenges. One is a new Daily Pokemon challenge, running until October 18. This challenge goes through winking variations of well-known Pokemon on the weekdays, starting with Charmander today (Tuesday), then on to Squirtle (Wednesday), Bulbasaur (Thursday), Jigglypuff (Friday), and Clefairy (Monday).

    Furthermore, there is a new regular stage for Thundurus Therian Forme, as well as repeat runs for Regirock, Electivire, and Victini. Victini’s stage will only last for today. Elecitivire’s stage runs until October 18, while Regirock and Thundurus will run until October 25.


    Wings of Magloryx footage

    Posted on 7 years ago by in News | 0 comments

    Wings of Magloryx landed on the North American Wii U eShop a few weeks ago, and now Nintendaan has provided some footage of the game. You can see how flying around and destroying buildings as a dragon looks below:

    With Color Splash’s release, Nintendo has released a short video showing “Outtakes” of the game. The stop-motion feature sees Paper Mario trying to go through a scene while various things go wrong. Check it out below:

    Today is the first Friday in October, meaning that Monster Hunter Generations is offering up more free DLC, this time featuring Fire Emblem, Ghosts ‘n Goblins, Mega Man, and more. Players will be able to download the content by choosing the Download option from the game’s main menu, and then talking to the appropriate NPCs. More DLC will release on November 4. The list of DLC is very extensive, so it’s behind a break. There are also images of a lot of the items.

    SKORB footage

    Posted on 7 years ago by in News | 0 comments

    Nintendaan has recorded almost eight minutes of SKORB footage. The game flew onto the eShop this week, and you can get a good idea of how it plays by watching below:

    Capcom has released their last “Lilia Explains” tutorial video for Monster Hunter Stories’ upcoming release in Japan. The video shows off the game’s Transmission Ritual, which will let monsters get abilities from other monsters for more customization, as well as the multiplayer. Watch it below:


    Ninja Pizza Girl was released on the North American eShop yesterday, but it has been temporarily taken down due to an issue. The game would apparently fail to download, eventually timing out and giving an error message. Disparity Games has stated that the fix is being worked on in Japan.

    Source, PR

    If you’re curious about how Paper Mario: Color Splash ends, then Gamexplain has your back. They’ve uploaded the final boss fight from the game. It’s behind the break, to avoid spoilers:

    Capcom has released another Monster Hunter Stories video going over the various aspects of the game, this time showing off the different monster abilities. It shows how the different monsters provide abilities for exploration outside of combat (such as swimming, flying, or stealth), as well as their in-combat options. Watch the video below:

    Capcom has released another tutorial video for Monster Hunter Stories, this time going over the battle system. Lilia, one of the protagonists, details the various types of attacks that add a rock-paper-scissor element to the battle system, as weapon types and items. Check it out below:

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