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Perhaps the only controversial element in Kid Icarus: Uprising is the game’s controls. The fact that Nintendo included a 3DS stand with each copy of the game just goes to show how unconventional they are.

Uprising does support the Circle Pad Pro. However, rather than providing dual analog controls, the accessory is mainly a tool to assist left-handed gamers. Director Masahiro Sakurai feels that implementing a dual analog setup “was technically impossible.”

Sakurai told IGN:

“Considering how close to the limit we pushed the 3DS during development, it’s a miracle that we were even able to provide support for left-handed controls at the point of completion. Providing support for independent analog control was something that was technically impossible.

“I do have my doubts over whether it’d be that easy to provide support. I think any game needs to provide new experiences and stimulating things to discover, but if we provided run-of-the-mill controls for it, that cuts down on the game’s potential. If a player used to touchscreen-based aiming played against someone used to right-analog control, the first player would probably dominate. The speed is on a whole different level.”

Still no Kirby’s Block Ball for North America this week. Actually, we haven’t received a new 3DS Virtual Console game in over a month. Very disappointing…

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop

  • Bird Mania 3D – Bird Mania 3D is a skill-based action game in which you steer a little birdie on his way to Africa. Fly, dash, soar, glide and collect all bonuses in your pursuit of a delightful vacation. (For Nintendo 3DS)

n-Space has been creating portable versions of the Call of Duty titles since 2007. Each spinoff was developed for the DS, including last year’s Modern Warfare 3: Defiance. Fans were hoping that the studio would be given an opportunity to make a new call of Duty for Nintendo’s latest handheld system, but it doesn’t look that’ll be happening – at least not this year.

One fan asked n-Space on Twitter if the studio is working on a portable version of Black Ops II. The company responded by saying that they “have no first person shooters in development at this time”. Maybe that’ll change next year?

Source, Via

Square Enix is including a job change system in Bravely Default. According to the latest issue of Japanese magazine Jump, jobs are dependent on crystals. An early crystal from Eltania Empire allows players to access three types.

The magazine was able to confirm Monk, Black Mage, and White Mage jobs. More options could be revealed before the game’s launch in Japan later this year.


You can pretty much count on a sequel to Mutant Mudds. Developer Renegade Kid is more than open to the idea. In fact, co-founder Jools Watsham has said that “a sequel will happen one day.” For the time being, he “must keep the details secret”.


Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia has teased Call of Duty: Black Ops II for Nintendo platforms and specifically Wii U.

Lamia spoke with Norwegian site PressFire about the upcoming first-person shooter and was quizzed about the Wii U toward the end of an interview. He indicated that he wasn’t in a position to talk about other platforms currently, but went on to mention how Treyarch has been very supportive of Nintendo platforms in the past. It was additionally stated that Treyarch has made the Call of Duty titles for Wii.

You can find the entire exchange between Lamia/PressFire below.

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