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“Tomodachi Collection is something we’re really interested in bringing to the U.S. The problem is that we only built Japanese language generation into the software, and that’s a very important part of the game. We can’t make it work with English, so we won’t be able to release the game here. Obviously I can’t speak to future plans, but this seems like something we might be able to revisit once more powerful hardware comes along.” – Yoshi Sakamoto

Man, that’s really disappointing. I would have loved to play that! I wonder if there’s any possible way they could bring it, or some sort of different version, to the 3DS.


This information comes from Nikkei…

“As you carry it [the 3DS] with you while out and about, it will seek out and automatically connect with wireless LAN spots, and download information. We’re thinking about functionality where it will automatically acquire newspaper and magazine articles.” – Satoru Iwata

This sort of application should come as no surprise for those who’ve been keeping up with Nintendo’s expansion of the current DS platform into an information terminal here in Japan. The system can be used at select shopping centers, train stations and fast food chains to download information and mini games, play Wi-Fi Connect-ready DS software, and download game demos.

Hideki Konno was hinting at this functionality in an interview yesterday, though Iwata’s remarks make it seems even more likely that it’ll happen. In a way, if it happens, the 3DS could act like the News Channel on Wii (news articles are automatically downloaded if WiiConnect24 is on).


Thanks to L.P. for the tip!


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DSi LL – 11,138
DSi – 10,172

Xbox 360 – 3,225
DS Lite – 3,108
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For comparison’s sake, here are the numbers from last week.

PSP – 23,588
PS3 – 18,951
Wii – 18,818
DSi LL – 10,737
DSi – 8,219

Xbox 360 – 3,258
DS Lite – 1,743
PS2 – 1,316
PSP go – 1,026

Had enough of Miyamoto yet? I hope not! IGN has conducted a massive interview with him, which you can check out below.

Miyamoto on the Vitality Sensor’s absence…

“It’s actually progressing quite well. We could have shown it here at E3 if we wanted to, but the environment here isn’t really suited to that game. E3 is pretty exciting, and that’s a device that’s all about relaxation. So it’s just wasn’t the best time or place to show that game. But it is ready, so we’ll probably find another place that’s more suitable to announce it. But I’m not directly involved in that project.”

We posted a snippet of this interview in a previous post, but you can watch the complete video below!



LOS ANGELES (June 15, 2010) – Square Enix, Co., Ltd., (Square Enix) announced today CHOCOBO RACING® 3D (tentative title) for the new Nintendo 3DSTM.

CHOCOBO RACING® 3D (tentative title) will feature familiar characters from the acclaimed FINAL FANTASY® and CHOCOBO® franchises in 3D. The game will feature exhilarating, speedy racing that can only be experienced through 3D.

Additional details will be announced at a later date.

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