Team Ninja willing to work with Wii U again, no plans to port existing games as of now
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 4 Comments
Team Ninja and Nintendo have formed what seems like a pretty good relationship over the past few years. The studio produced Metroid: Other M for Wii, and last year delivered Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge in time for the Wii U’s launch.
Having said that, Team Ninja has been quiet when it comes to Nintendo’s console as of late. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z – a new game being produced in conjunction with Comcept and Spark Unlimited – won’t be heading to Wii U. While Team Ninja is very much open to working with the system again, studio head Yosuke Hayashi told Joystiq that the company currently has “no plans to port existing games to Wii U.”
“Of course, I think there are games that would be good for Wii U. So I think we need to still see what exactly those games they are and how you make a game for Wii U that is perfect for the Wii U. So if we get a chance to make a game like that, well, maybe we can think about it then. But right now we have no plans to port existing games to Wii U.”
Call of Duty: Ghosts – perks categories, strike packages, modes overview
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Activision made new multiplayer details about Call of Duty: Ghosts known at Gamescom. You can find a roundup of perks categories, strike packages, and modes below.
Perks categories
- Speed
- Handling
- Stealth
- Awareness
- Resistance
- Equipment
- Elite
Strike packages
- Assault: Based on consecutive enemy kills and resets on death. New streak rewards are as follows:
- Sat Com – Use satellite communications to spy on enemy movement.
- Guard Dog – Your combat dog will warn you of enemies approaching, and attack when needed.
- Maniac – Seek help from a knife wielding juggernaut, where a high-speed melee attack is in place of guns.
- Support: Enemy kills do not reset when the player dies. New streak rewards are as follows:
- Night Owl: Advanced drone that detects enemies, and offers protection from explosions.
- MAAWS: Laser guides will guide missiles from the free-fire rocket launcher.
- Helo Scout: Hop on a helicopter and provide aerial sniper support
- Specialist: More consecutive kills will earn you more perks.
- Search and Rescue: Similar to Search and Destroy, however this time teammates can revive each other.
- Cranked: Kills provide new abilities, but starts a countdown clock. Kill again before the timer runs out, or risk exploding.
- Blitz: Breach the enemy goal line, while defending your own. A similar mode to Capture the Flag.
Kamiya shares a message as The Wonderful 101 launches in Europe and Japan
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

The Wonderful 101 has officially launched in Europe and Japan. Director Hideki Kamiya is celebrating the occasion with a special message on the Platinum Games blog. You can find the full thing here or after the break.
Ubisoft: Nintendo has some of the best IPs in the world, Wii U can find an audience
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 1 Comment
For the second time in as many days, Ubisoft executive director Alain Corre has spoken positively about Wii U.
Corre shared a few comments about the console as well as Nintendo in general while speaking with IGN. He was quick to point out the popularity of Nintendo’s IPs, which are among the world’s best. Regarding Wii U, Corre believes “that they’ll be able to sell more machines in the future”. He also noted: “It’s up to them to work on more communication to get the machine into more hands.”
Corre’s comments in full:
“There are millions, tens of millions of fans of Nintendo brands. I’m sure you’ve played Mario Kart for hundreds of hours. I did too. There are so many great franchises that are still making people dream. We think these brands will stay with us. After that, it’s up to Nintendo to make sure that the machine can reach as many consumers as possible. We all think that they’ll be able to sell more machines in the future. They have some of the best IP in the world, and some of the best memories for their players. If you’ve played Smash Bros. in the past, you want to play the next one. So these brands have a future, for sure. It’s up to them to work on more communication to get the machine into more hands.”
Chibi-Robo Photography heading west, based on OFLC rating
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 2 Comments
Chibi-Robo Photography came out on the Japanese 3DS eShop several weeks ago. There was some concern that the download wouldn’t make it west, but it does indeed look like an overseas launch is planned.
The OFLC has rated “Chibi-Robo! Let’s Go Photo!” – a new name, but definitely the same game. Nintendo hasn’t made an announcement for North America or Europe, but you can rest easy knowing that the eShop release will probably be coming over eventually.
Toriko: Ultimate Survival announced for 3DS
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Namco Bandai is creating a third Toriko game for the 3DS.
Toriko: Ultimate Survival, a new action title, will include four-player co-op, over ten playable characters, and more than 300 types of beasts and plants.
Japan will be receiving the game in winter 2013.
Gaist Crusher screenshots
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter misses out on funding goal
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U eShop | 4 Comments
Shadow of the Eternals has not been funded on Kickstarter. $323,950 was raised out of the required $750,000 total – not even 50 percent.
Despite the disappointing news, developer Precursor Games will likely pursue Shadow of the Eternals’ development. The team previously expressed interest in continuing efforts on the project even if the Kickstarter goal wasn’t met.
This wasn’t Precursor’s first go around with Kickstarter. An original campaign kicked off in May, but was eventually pulled. Changes were made including the removal of an episodic format, the addition of David Hayter as a voice actor, and a lower crowdfunding target.
Shadow of the Eternals has been officially targeted for the Wii U and PC, with a possible PS4 version in the pipeline as well.
Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Zelda: Wind Waker HD t-shirts hit Club Nintendo Japan
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 10 Comments

The Japanese Club Nintendo website tends to get the best rewards. As an example, numerous soundtracks and original downloadable rewards have been available in the past. To put it simply, there have been many more noteworthy prizes in Japan than in the US and Europe.
The trend is continuing, as a new set of fantastic items have arrived on the Japanese site. Nintendo gamers can order Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, and Zelda: Wind Waker HD t-shirts for 600 points each. The cost will be reduced to 400 if users register corresponding software.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara delayed to September on Wii U
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara still isn’t out on Wii U. And unfortunately, the wait is going to continue.
An update posted on the Capcom-Unity boards reveals that the game has now been pushed back to September.
The statement reads:
“We regret to inform you all that the release of the Wii U version of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara has moved to September. There have been a number of development issues and despite our best efforts, the delay could not be avoided. We realize this is a frustrating situation for everyone out there but we ask for your continued patience and support. Updates will be provided as the situation develops.”