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More quotes from Shigeru Miyamoto’s interview with 4Gamer have popped online. There still isn’t an official translation, but what we have will have to do for now.

The latest Miyamoto tidbits come with regards to Pikmin. First, he made a comparison between the series’ games:

When it came to Pikmin 2, I heard a lot of complaints with the first game that had to be fixed. However, if you fix every single issue that the audience is dissatisfied with, then what makes the game interesting (in the first place)? That is the unresolved question. Therefore, I reflected on the aspect of multiple endings that were originally in Pikmin 1, and with the thought of creating it properly again I made Pikmin 3.


Pokemon Rumble U is getting a couple of new promotional figures in Japan. Black Kyurem and White Kyurem will be available in August through a special vending machine at the Pokemon Game Show. We’re waiting for further details at this time.


There’s something unusual going on with the Wii U version of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara. It’s the only edition of the game that hasn’t come out yet. Chronicles of Mystara hit the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in mid-June, but it’s nowhere to be found on Wii U.

So what’s the deal here? We don’t have any specifics currently, but over at the Capcom-Unity boards, staffer Rey Jimenez said that releasing the Wii U SKU “as been a bit of a nightmare for that producer.”

Jimenez isn’t involved with Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, so we’re unlikely to get further details about the situation from him. This whole thing is certainly pretty odd…


Mighty Switch Force! 2 may be heading to Wii U. A rating for the game popped up in the PEGI database earlier today.

This wouldn’t be the first Mighty Switch Force! game on the Wii U eShop. For the Wii U launch, WayForward prepared Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition, an updated version of the original.

Source, Via

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