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Assassin’s Creed III’s Tyranny of King Washington DLC was dated earlier today, but not the Wii U version. The DLC should be coming to the console eventually.

The next Puzzle Quest may have a theme featuring the Marvel franchise.

Superannuation, up to his usual sleuthing ways, has come across the domain name This is official – Marvel registered the site itself.

We know that a new Puzzle Quest is in the works, and it’s coming this year. Might Marvel Puzzle Quest be that title?


Update: This has nothing to do with the ZombiU bundle listed on Best Buy Canada… rules out one possibility!

IGN editor Rich George is teasing some “interesting” news set to be revealed in the very near future. Whatever it is, we’ll find out about it tomorrow.

Unfortunately, George wouldn’t elaborate beyond his initial tweet.

He wrote:


Ghosts’n Goblins will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on February 12 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Magi Hajimari no Meiky? (Demo) – FREE
Layton Kyouju Ky?jyu: Kiseki no Kamen Plus (Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask Plus, retail game) – 3,000 yen
Dragon Quest VII – Eden no Senshitachi (retail title) – 6,090 yen

Virtual Console
Double Dragon (Famicom) – 500 yen
Ariel Crystal Densetsu (Crystal Warriors, Game Gear) – 300 yen

Video Content

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Nintendo Direct
Short Chotto Nintendo Direct (referred to as Nintendo eShop News) on the Wii U eShop about special prizes for Wii U games being registered on Club Nintendo here in Japan
Fantasy Life videos
New Super Mario Bros. U skills video
Animal Crossing: New Leaf commercials
Tank! Tank! Tank! videos
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask video
Magi Hajimari no Meiky? video
Zombie Slayer video
Johnny Kung Fu video
Nyokenshi Akane video


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