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Here are some of the latest Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate DLC screenshots:


In a recent article from Siliconera, they translated the latest Bravely Second footage that was released by Square Enix.

In the video they explain a few details of the battle system with its Brave and Default mechanics.

– You will be able to stock up “turns”, or use them in advance.

– Time will be able to be stopped so that you can perform a more powerful attack in combat at any time.

– There are 30 job classes and over 300 abilities.

– The Abilink (Ability Link) will return for this sequel, it allows you to link up with a friend to borrow their job level, as well as summon their chosen character to perform an attack.


It would appear that KAIO: King of Pirates has been canceled. Marvelous has just made the announcement stating that due to sudden changes in the marketplace and other plans they had for its mixed media development, they have decided that it is best to walk away from its development.

If you recall KAIO: King of Pirates was a 3DS title that was Kenji Inafune’s first project after leaving Capcom and has seemed to have been a beleaguered title since its initial announcement.

Stay tuned for any additional details that might surface in the future.

Source, Via

Here a a couple of the latest translated details from the upcoming RPG, Stella Glow set to release for Japan.

– Dorothy the Ripper uses dolls to fight and people are quite scare of her.

– Nonoka, Sakuya’s ninja bodygaurd is slightly ditzy and wears a box on her head.

– Yuan started a business when he was 10 and is always willing to lend help to Alt and his friends.


In Australia and New Zealand… Yes, still no date for the always bereft United States, but we remain hopeful that sooner or later we’ll get an official date on a Smash wave for the first time since Super Smash Bros. Wii U released way back in November (we probably won’t).

Nintendo of AU/NZ just tweeted that on April 25th, Australia and New Zealand will be receiving Wave 4 of the Super Smash Bros. line of amiibo. Wave 4 includes Robin, Lucina, Wario, Charizard, Ness, and Pac-Man.

So far the US is currently the only region without a solid release date. So, the usual.

Do note that there are also no preorders available ANYWHERE for this wave, which makes you wonder what kind of a mosh-pit is sure to ensue in retailers once people get word that they’ve released. There is certainly still time for preorders to happen, but if prior waves are any indication, preorders have usually begun soon after the release of a new wave, and we still haven’t heard a thing regarding wave 4 other than “they’re coming” from a Nintendo Direct way back in mid-January.

Are you planning on picking any of Wave 4 when they slowly but not so surely release? Let us know below!


With the release of Code Name: S.T.E.A.M., Nintendo is currently sending out an Abraham Lincoln Mii via SpotPass with the name ‘Honest Abe’. Check your 3DS if you’re not on it to see if you have that blue light, and go to your Miiplaza to see and receive the 16th president of the United States and our defender from aliens!

The new Stella Glow trailer is officially here after going dark since its announcement back in October of last year. This neat looking RPG is slated to come out in Japan on June 4th. No word on a western release.

Though news and details on this game have been scarce, you can get a good idea of what Stella Glow is all about here and here

System: Nintendo 3DS eShop
Release Date: March 12, 2015
Developer: Sega AM2/M2
Publisher: Sega

Author: Patrick

When Sega announced their line of remastered “Classics” for the 3DS, the one I was really holding out for was Out Run. Being born in an era where arcades barely mattered, I’d only had a single chance to play the original arcade cabinet so my familiarity with the game mostly came from the fact that it has already been ported to just about every console in existence. While most of these ports captured the game’s relaxed feel and addictive gameplay, they did vary wildly in quality so I was curious to see how well this 3DS version stacked up. Is it faithful to Yu Suzuki’s original classic?

Well yeah, of course. The emulation experts at M2 always go to crazy lengths to get the small details accurate as possible while throwing in heaps of extra content and hidden bonuses. What really surprised me was how well Out Run holds up in the year 2015.

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