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Namco Bandai is done making Tales of Xillia 2. What’s next? Why, another Tales game of course!

Tales series producer Hideo Baba answered a few questions in a recent Play Community interview. When asked if work on the next Tales game is being done, Baba raised a “Yes” sign.

Baba also said:

“In maintaining the flow of releasing one game after another, we always consider the concept of the title next in line. …In fact, we’ve been thinking beneath the surface for the 20th anniversary title.”

In addition to the comments about, Baba made note of the fact that the team is thinking about other ways to develop the Tales franchise in general.


Hmm… They’re learning how to cover their cracks a lot better, but I’m not sure I totally buy it! I would have expected that the voice actor himself would have come forward (pressured by Infinity Ward), and until he himself denies the conversation ever took place I’m going to stick with the idea that MW4 is in the works!


This week’s GameStop deals are as follows:

Patrick, you better get on this!

Sydney Wii U Experience Store
Sydney Plaza – George Street Entrance George Street Sydney 5th November – 9th December

Melbourne Wii U Experience Store
Fountain Gate 352 Princess Highway, Fountain Gate Melbourne 5th November – 9th December

Perth Wii U Experience Pop Up
Perth Cultural Centre, St James Amphitheatre 5th November – 11th November

Gold Coast Wii U Experience Pop Up
Pacific Fair, Site 23 Courtyard 12th November – 17th November

Brisbane Wii U Experience Pop Up
King Georges Square, Area 2 18th November – 23rd November

Adelaide Wii U Experience Pop Up
Rundle Mall, Gawler Canopy 24th November – 29th November


Peter Moore, talking about eliminating the issue of used games by embracing Free-to-Play:

“Used games were a bigger issue for the industry – I wasn’t resigned to it, but I recognised that it was the right of gamers and the right of our retailer. To be very fair, GameStop has always been very public about the fact that [they] keep the ecosystem moving with revenue that comes in, and it’s not like they go and take their game credit and go to McDonald’s and buy burgers. They re-up into new games.” – EA COO Peter Moore

Something I can really respect is someone who says “I don’t like this, but I understand why it’s important and I won’t try to change it.”. Even though I don’t like EA a lot of the time, I sure do like Peter Moore!

Via Wired

“Yeah, on Monday I am off to meet Infinity Ward about the next game, Modern Warfare 4, I’m doing work on the sequel to Modern Warfare 3, it carries straight on and I only ever appear in the Modern Warfare games.” – No, not that Bill Murray; voice actor for Captain Price Bill Murray

This was apparently said to the guy who runs “ThisIsXbox” when he met Mr. Murray in an airplane on his way to London. He has a picture to prove it, and given the candid nature of Murray’s disclosure I don’t think he thought that the young man he was talking to worked on/ran an Xbox fansite!

Funny, I actually thought the third entry might finally see an end to the series…

ThisIsXbox, via VideoGamer

Fans Can Prepare for Nov. 11 Launch of New Mario Game for Nintendo 3DS with Unique Competition

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Video game fans now have a great reason to stock up on paper, glue and shoeboxes. Nintendo today announced a new contest to help celebrate the upcoming Nov. 11 launch of Paper Mario: Sticker Star, an eye-popping new game created exclusively for Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 3DS XL portable systems. Nintendo is inviting Mario fans of all backgrounds to create colorful dioramas that depict scenes from the new game. Participants in the contest will be eligible to win one of five prize packages that include a Nintendo 3DS XL system, a copy of Paper Mario: Sticker Star, a gift certificate redeemable in the Nintendo eShop and a handmade papercraft trophy.

The imaginative art style and environments in Paper Mario: Sticker Star are like dioramas unto themselves, featuring an array of fun craft-themed elements such as clouds that hang from string, characters that appear to be cut from sheets of paper and countless stickers that can dramatically affect game play. Participants in the diorama contest can view pictures of characters and levels from Paper Mario: Sticker Star at a special application integrated into the Nintendo 3DS page on Facebook and select which scenes they want to use as the inspiration for their diorama. Entrants can submit photos or videos of their work at now through Nov. 7, 2012.

A new downloadable reward is available on Club Nintendo.

Pilotwings has been swapped out for Super Punch-Out!!. The game is available for 150 coins.

You can order Super Punch-Out!! here. It’s available as a Wii VC download until November 14.

Nintendo has reaffirmed that not all of its games will offer paid downloadable content. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is one such example.

CEO Satoru Iwata, discussing the company’s approach to downloadable content at an investor’s briefing Q&A a few days ago, said:

“…However, we do not intend to make downloadable or add-on content available for every type of game. We would like to supply consumers with only add-on or downloadable content which they are happy to pay for as compensation for creative work. For example, some might say that it would be unbelievably profitable to provide paid add-on content for “Animal Crossing: New Leaf,” but we were concerned that a game in which you enjoy yourself more by the power of money would not be suitable, and we decided to avoid such a feature after an intensive discussion with the development team. On the other hand, we are selling sets of new courses for “New Super Mario Bros. 2″ by download and obtaining a very good response from those who have actually bought and played them. We see vast potential in this sort of add-on content. In short, we would like to find the type of add-on content consumers will find enjoyable in each game. We intend to basically create add-on content with which we will be able to make long-term relationships with our consumers.”


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