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General Nintendo

It’s unclear if a new Pokemon game announcement will be made at Jump this weekend, but there will definitely be a reveal inside the pages of next month’s CoroCoro. The latest issue of the magazine stated that they’ll have the first information on this “world first shocking announcement.”

Although the next CoroCoro will be out on January 14, 2012, news may leak out before that date.


Limited Edition copies of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword include a gold Wiimote Plus. They do not, however, come with a matching gold nunchuck.

If you want the complete experience, you’ll need to be a member of Club Nintendo Japan. That’s right: Nintendo is now offering a gold nunchuck for 600 points. You can pick up the reward for 200 points less if you’ve registered a copy of Zelda: Skyward Sword (offer ends February 20).

In other Club Nintendo news, a 3DS case has been added to the site. It can be yours for 150 points. The case holds up to eighteen games.


Following yesterday’s tease, Atlus USA has posted a new clue for the mystery game announcement on their Facebook page. I’m really starting to get the feeling here that this is for Growlanser or Gungnir…

Both are PSP games, so I think we’ll stop coverage on this from here on out. You can find further updates about this tease on our sister site in the future.


Shigeru Miyamoto has answered a bunch of questions in a new interview with Wired. One of the more interesting points from the discussion is that he expressed willingness to let Retro Studios collaborate with Nintendo on Zelda. He talks about Mario 3D Land, Skyward Sword, a little bit about Wii U, and a bunch of other topics.

All of Miyamoto’s comments can be found after the break.

Read today’s PotD here.

Okay, maybe I overexagerrated with the “forever” thing, but I think it’s safe to say that- at least for a next few console entries of the series- we’ll be ‘stuck’ using motion controls to control our favorite hero. The question is: Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? That’s where you guys come in. For those of you that have played Skyward Sword, why do you like/dislike the controls? Do you think they should stay with the series for a while? Let us discuss! (I shall start; see my comment in the comments section)

Finally was able to get a new version of this with the video and audio synced correctly. The quality took a slight hit, but it’s not too bad!

Atlus is teasing something, and that tease is almost certainly related to a new game announcement. Thus far, the company has divulged one clue. The mystery game’s title starts with the letter “G”.

An additional clue will be posted to Atlus’ Facebook soon.

Source: Atlus PR

Anyone happen to see this during the VGAs? It was awesome and funny at the same time!

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was the first game in the series that took full advantage of MotionPlus. Hopefully you’ve grown accustomed to those controls, as Eiji Aonuma can’t imagine going back to buttons.

Aonuma told the Official Nintendo Magazine:

“I honestly think we cannot go back to button controls now, so I think that these controls will be used in future Zelda titles, too.”

I personally love the controls in Skyward Sword, so I see nothing wrong with this. What do you guys think?


As I’m sure a few of you may know, I’m a pretty big fan of electronic music producer Deadmau5- real name Joel-, so when I saw this picture I couldn’t help but share it with all of you. It’s an image taken when Mr. Mau5 spotted Miyamoto at the VGAs last night, got his armed signed by the man himself (and later tattooed that signature into permanence), and went on to take one of the coolest images I’ve ever seen of Miyamoto.

Good on ya, Joel. You have made many a game nerd smile.

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