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General Nintendo

Thanks to Ross M for the tip!

First, here’s what Spector had to say about the 3DS…

You know, if I talk about that, someone’s going to kill me, so we should move on (Laughter). I will say that we were backstage, and we were just so privileged to be part of the Nintendo press conference. That was absolutely one of the most fun things and coolest things I’ve ever done in my life. But anyway, we were backstage afterwards listening to the 3DS discussion and it’s like, we were just like getting more excited, cheering back there. Who knew it has a 3D camera? And you can watch 3D movies without glasses? I really expected him to say, ‘…and it tucks you into bed at night.’ It’s like, ‘holy cow, sign me up, I want the first one off the assembly line.’ It’s amazing, and I’m not getting paid to say that. As a gamer, I just want it bad.”

Spector was also asked if there are Disney characters besides Mickey he’d like to bring to the games medium…

“Oh, heck yeah. (Laughter)… Oh yeah… Don’t draw any conclusions. A day does not go by where I don’t tell somebody at Disney: ‘Gimme the ducks. Gimme the ducks! Uncle Scrooge, come on! Donald! Huey, Dewey, and Louie! Come on, let me do a duck game!’ So yeah, I would love to do a duck game. Uncle Scrooge is the coolest character, you know? He was Indiana Jones before Steven Spielberg was a gleam in his mother’s eye, you know? I mean, come on. He’s a great character.”

I feel like it’s only a matter of time before Warren Spector makes a 3DS title. He comes off sounding extremely excited each time he talks about the system. Who knows… Maybe he’ll bring Duck Tales to the handheld.


This information comes from Tetsuya Nomura…

“KH Re:Coded, which is set for release on 10/7, is almost complete as far as development goes. We’re currently working on the packaging and promotions. The approach has changed a bit this time to light taste.”

Also noteworthy, Nomura wrote on Twitter that that he is working on a number of unannounced titles. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t say anything else except for a little nugget than the voice recording for some of the games is complete. Keep your eyes peeled here, as well as on Gaming Everything, for announcements from Nomura in the future.

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


Thanks to Kevin D for the tip!


The images above come from Nintendo’s Annual Report. Yep, even the art!



– Started out as a Nintendo subsidiary (GameCube/GBA development)
– Was a joint venture, 78% shares for Nintendo, 13% shares for Dentsu
– Dentsu is Nintendo’s advertising firm
– Company struggled, some employees left for Sony
– NdCube has seen a massive overhaul this year, Dentsu’s shares were bought out, Nintendo now the sole proprietor
– Company is now more of a Nintendo R&D rather than a subsidiary
– Company has expanded, second division in Sapporo and Tokyo established, both are close to Nintendo’s branch offices

Mario Party

– Franchise could become less relevant
– Wii Party has been successful
– Lead staff has left Hudson, joined Nd Cube
– Original staff was a join venture, Monegi, created by Nintendo and Hudson
– Nintendo wanted to capture a larger audience with Wii Party than Mario Party could

Metroid: Other M

– Always had plans for a deep story
– Game development became much different than the game that was first conceived
– Because of the advancement in technology/development, Sakamoto has been able to express the story himself, original design team has encapsulated
– Game is a “romantic” project for Sakamoto
– Ideas thought of by Sakamoto that were formed in past years are in the game


This information comes from a High Voltage Software representative…

“I can confirm that High Voltage Software has reduced some of our staffing based on our current production requirements and predictions of what is needed for the remainder of 2010. We are sad to have to say goodbye to these employees and friends, but these changes are necessary to bring our organization to a healthy operational size.”

According to the High Voltage Software, 25 employees were let go from the company. At the moment, there are no plans to remove any additional staff members.


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