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General Nintendo

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions hasn’t been confirmed for Nintendo platforms yet, but I’d be surprised if the game didn’t land on the Wii/DS.

– Beenox Studios working on the game
– Spider-Man will visit numerous locations instead of just the city
– “prepare to be surprised with the unique, unexpected worlds Spider-Man will adventure through in Activision’s latest foray”
– New universe “never before seen in Spider-Man video games”
– Will have two new villians
– More details at Wonder Con next week


“What I’ll be doing 10 years from now, I have no idea. All I can say is that I like being a snowball. Year after year I like to keep piling up ideas and know-how and experiences. One thing I’m sure I’d like to be working on is our efforts to make games accessible for everybody, so that every single household can take for granted that there is a game console in their house.” – Shigeru Miyamoto

It’s really tough to imagine Miyamoto ever retiring since he’s been with Nintendo so long. This goes without saying, but he is truly one of the most influential members of the video game industry. I hope that in ten years, Miyamoto is still working on Nintendo franchises and hardware.


Thanks to Tim for the news tip!

“I can’t imagine Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Metroid Other M as system-sellers, any more than I would expect Halo Reach or SOCOM to be. The hardcore Wii audience already has a Wii console, so these game launches aren’t likely to be catalysts. This far into the cycle, the only thing that really gets consoles moving is price cuts, and Nintendo was reluctant to cut price last year. In fact, the company waited until late September to cut price, even though year-over-year U.S. sales from April on were down 47%. Over the first two months of this year, Wii sales in the U.S. are down 39%, but some of that could be due to inexplicable supply shortages (one would think that Nintendo could manage the supply chain better 3 1/2 years after launch), so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. However, we saw declines in sales of Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board and Wii Play, suggesting that demand for the Wii and its products is on the decline. So as far as I can see, unless Nintendo decides to cut price, there is not much of a catalyst coming. I don’t see the Wii Vitality Sensor driving sales, but I suppose I could be wrong. I often am…” ~Michael Pachter

Part of me definitely agrees with him, but on the other hand, I don’t think Wii/DS sales are on the decline. Judging from the past, Nintendo has a pretty good grip on how the economics of video games work, and I can’t really see why they’d lose sight of that all of the sudden.

Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Thanks to Kay for the news tip!

Source 1, Source 2

“It’s a priority for us bringing a range of entertainment. It’s a priority for us to have a range of third party licensees see success on the platform. It’s a priority for us to make sure that every consumer has content that they’re going to enjoy.

“Now, the challenge for us is that we, ourselves, Nintendo, don’t create that type of content. We’re not experts at it. Our developers don’t particularly enjoy making that content. They probably could make stellar content, if they chose to. We choose to do something else. So it really is up to the third party developer to create that great content and bring it to life on the platform.” – Reggie Fils-Aime

Nintendo has never been known for creating mature games. Their in-house development studios aren’t big on that genre. However, Nintendo has published some M-rated titles, such as Perfect Dark, Geist, and most recently, Zangeki no Reginleiv.


??2010-004568 ?????? (Coin Battle)
??2010-005216 ?????????
??2010-005217 ????????????????
??2010-005507 ?????????????
??2010-005508 ?????????
??2010-006721 ????????????? (Starship Defender)
??2010-006971 ??????????????????????
??2010-006972 ????????????
??2010-006973 ?????????
??2010-006974 ?????
??2010-006975 ??????
??2010-007578 ??????????? (Pokemon Kuru Kuru Get)

??2010-003410 ??????????
??2010-003942 ???????????????????????
??2010-003943 ??????????????????????????
??2010-005551 ???????????
??2010-005552 ????????????????
??2010-005553 ????????????
??2010-007308 ????? (To the Promise day?)
??2010-007498 ???????

??2010-004801 ???????
??2010-005690 ??????????? (Dragunity Drive, Yugioh Related)
??2010-006855 ??????????
??2010-007455 ???’???????
??2010-007542 §????????????????’??????????
??2010-007545 ??????

??2010-004395 ?????? (Televillage)
??2010-005073 ?????????????
??2010-005868 §?????????????????
??2010-005869 ?????

??2010-005835 ???????????

??2010-006328 ??????????????????????????

Kadokawa games
??2010-005055 ?????????????????????????????

??2010-006897 ???????

Level 5
??2010-5375 ????? (Sengoku Yakyudan, Sengoku Baseball Team)


Just a quick refresher: Last week, Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino stated on his Twitter account that his company will be revealing a new game next month. The announcement seems like it’ll be pretty important since Hino said that “it will become an extremely anticipated title.”

We still don’t know for sure what the game is, but we might be one step closer to finding out. The Japanese trademarks for the month of March have been released and one of the trademarks registered is Level-5’s Sengoku Baseball Team. The company might be interested in generating the same type of success that they had with the Inazuma Eleven soccer games. Still, though, we’ll have to wait until next month to know for sure if Level-5’s next big title is Sengoku Baseball Team.


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