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General Nintendo

One of Nintendo’s most-recent high points – from a business perspective – was when the company churned out a profit of 555.2 billion yen for the year ending in March 31, 2009. This was also when the DS, Wii, and Mario franchise were all leading the way in terms of financial success.

Yet as of late, Nintendo hasn’t been able to reach the same kind of heights it achieved a few years ago. The Wii U has been struggling thus far, and overall business has seen a slight decline.

Nintendo has always been a hardware and software maker, but some analysts feel that this tradition should be broken. Among major overseas analysts, one of their sentiments is, “If Nintendo decided to cut loose from its hardware and software, their profit shares may increase 2 to 3 times.” Some also believe that if Nintendo considered leaving the hardware business and brought some of its IPs – such as Mario and Zelda – to smartphones, the company could experience a dramatic recovery.

Nintendo, however, is against such a move, with company officials expressing: “Performance is temporarily getting better, you can’t get a true feel for Mario on smartphone or tablet, and this would also lead to a decrease in brand value over the long term.”

Nintendo has gone ahead and opened an official announcement community on Miiverse for the Earthbound series. It’s home to the “official source for the latest EarthBound news and information.”

This naturally begs the question: what kind of news could Nintendo have in store for EarthBound?

You can visit the community here.

News of a brand new title coming from Shigeru Miyamoto first appeared during an interview with Famitsu. Miyamoto has now mentioned the project for a second time, which is “actually getting busier lately.”

Of the new title, Miyamoto said the following in an interview with Nielsthooft:

“I happen to be working on a completely new game even now. The project is actually getting busier lately.”

You can find Miyamoto’s full interview with Nielsthooft here.

Nintendo has re-upped the Eternal Darkness trademark in the US through the USPTO.

This isn’t the first time Nintendo has played around with GameCube game’s trademark. Extensions have been filed before, but this new trademark is noteworthy since it includes “downloadable electronic game programs” and “downloadable electronic game software.”

Nintendo hasn’t announced GameCube support for the Wii U Virtual Console, so a re-release on the eShop isn’t too likely at the moment. But maybe it will happen one day…


The Mario & Luigi series has always been exclusive to Nintendo’s handhelds. Might that change anytime soon? Don’t count on it!

Nintendo producer Akira Otani, speaking with CVG, said that he’s personally interested on the console, but the company has “no plans for a Wii U version.” Otani believes that sticking with portables may be the best option “to convey the amusement and fun of the character animations and reactions using AlphaDream’s pixel art”.

“As a developer I am interested, but we currently have no plans for a Wii U version. If we want to convey the amusement and fun of the character animations and reactions using AlphaDream’s pixel art, I think handheld consoles are the best for doing this.”


Shigeru Miyamoto recently conducted an interview with Japanese publication 4Gamer. A portion of the talk was unofficially translated a few days ago, and now the second piece has appeared – it’s all about Pikmin 3 this time. You can find the full thing here.

During an investor’s briefing Q&A several weeks ago, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata made a few remarks stating that he wouldn’t lay off staff simply to improve the company’s financial situation. Instead, Iwata is interested in making great games. This is something that has resonated well with Lorne Lanning, creator of Oddworld.

Lanning, speaking with GamesBeat in a new interview, spoke highly of Iwata as a whole. He went as far as to say that he’d “work with him in a second.” And Nintendo overall? Lanning thinks that they’ll still be here in 100 years.

Lanning said:

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