The Guardian (UK newspaper) criticizes violent videos games such as Animal Crossing, Wii Sports, and Mario Party
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Alas, the headline you read is not a joke. The popular UK newspaper ‘The Guardian’ published an article recently highlighting the games that were the top sellers of 2012 in the UK, and among the likes of Halo 4 and Black Ops 2 (which were brought up to illustrate a point about the content in best-selling games), they also allegedly mentioned some more family-friendly titles from the Big N. Here’s what the article tagged:
Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Mario Kart Wii were tagged as violent for “Comic Mischief”, Just Dance 3, Zumba Fitness, and Gran Turismo 5 were picked on for their “Lyrics”, Mario Party 9 and Kinect Sports were tagged as having “Cartoon Violence”, and Wii Sports was simply tagged with “Violence”. Note that I can’t access the actually article due to it being down for some reason, so all of this information comes from a third party.
I don’t think it’s news to anyone that certain newspapers or online outlets or TV stations don’t know the most about video games, and a lot of them have pretty bad preconceptions about the effects they have on people. No use lambasting them for the millionth time.
Former Nintendo designer discusses Famicom coloring and naming
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
The Famicom possessed an interesting color scheme. These days, we typically don’t see hardware that is covered in red, gold, and white colors.
Masayuki Uemura, a former Nintendo hardware designer, cleared up some misconceptions as to why the color scheme was chosen while speaking with Weekly Playboy:
“Originally, the inexpensive steel body we planned to use was too fragile, so we changed it to a highly durable plastic.”
Iwata talks about the struggle of budgeting HD games, selling full priced titles
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 0 comments

This is something that has becoming a huge worry for me regarding Nintendo lately. In recent months it has become increasingly apparent that the Big N vastly underestimated how much more work has to go into HD games compared to what they did on Wii, and as a result we’ve seen their game budgets going up, their games getting delayed, and consequently their Wii U console not selling. It’s somewhat troublesome, but what does Nintendo’s CEO and President have to say about the situation?
“Among such packaged software, however, the sales of popular games are much larger than in the past. Therefore, if we create more hit games, the software development business can still be very profitable. All games break even if they sell millions of copies worldwide, so we will continue to do our best to develop games which have high sales potential.”
– Nintendo President Satoru Iwata
Sometimes I wish Nintendo would just go back to make games with N64-level tech scaled up to HD instead of worrying about all of this modern mumbo jumbo. The concept that all games have to sell millions and millions of copies to break even is quite troubling, but hopefully Nintendo will continue to develop low-budget games like Sin and Punishment and Punch Out!! alongside the big titles.
EarthBound creator: new series installment “impossible”
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories | 0 comments
EarthBound is kind of seeing a renaissance. Earlier this month, Nintendo announced that it would finally be re-releasing the game overseas through the Wii U Virtual Console after it originally launched close to two decades ago.
Let’s say EarthBound was a huge success on the eShop. Perhaps then a new entry would be possible, knowing that the series still has a big following worldwide.
Not so fast. EarthBound/Mother creator Shigesato Itoi, when asked about the possibility of a new installment, responded with just one word: “Impossible.”
Surely Nintendo can’t keep EarthBound/Mother dormant forever, right? Maybe one day we’ll see a complete revival, much in the same way that Kid Icarus came back after a 20-year hiatus.
Iwata discusses recent downturn in video game industry
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories | 0 comments
The video game industry has been in the slump over the past couple of years, Satoru Iwata has acknowledged. Some say that the US has specifically seen a downturn. Why is this so?
Iwata did offer two possible reasons during Nintendo’s most-recent financial results briefing Q&A.
First, Iwata commented on consumers’ “higher psychological hurdle to paying a certain sum of money for software.”
Iwata talks a bit about what overseas operations will change now that he has direct control
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories | 0 comments
Satoru Iwata, Nintendo’s global president, is now the CEO of Nintendo of America. What will that mean for business operations overseas?
Speaking during Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing Q&A, Iwata provided some insight into the situation. There are plans to increase communications “with those working for our overseas subsidiaries” in order “to make their marketing strategies and tactics more aligned with the management decisions at the headquarters.” Iwata will additionally inform such employees “about the products under development on a more timely basis so that they can take advantage of the sales potential of such products in their business territories.”
I decided to refer to our plan to place our overseas operations under my direct control here because, in evaluating the notice regarding changes of directors, I thought that you might wonder who will replace the retiring general manager of the International Division and who will supervise our business in the U.S. after Mr. Kimishima, current chairperson and CEO of Nintendo of America Inc., comes back to Japan to replace Mr. Mori as a managing director.
I already communicate very frequently with those working for our overseas subsidiaries, but I will try to intensify the communications with them to make their marketing strategies and tactics more aligned with the management decisions at the headquarters. I will also inform them about the products under development on a more timely basis so that they can take advantage of the sales potential of such products in their business territories.
Iwata weighs in on cloud gaming again, has latency concerns
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata was asked to discuss cloud gaming during a previous financial results briefing. At the latest meeting, Iwata commented on the topic once again.
Iwata has expressed concern about cloud gaming’s latency, which wouldn’t work well with Nintendo’s titles due to the company’s “strict requirements in terms of real-time responsiveness”. While Nintendo plans to monitor how the technology progresses, Nintendo has no plans to acquire a cloud gaming company.
As for your remark about cloud gaming, I believe that there are games that have an affinity with cloud gaming and games that do not. Of course, we constantly pay attention to the advances and changes in cloud gaming technology and Internet infrastructure. On the other hand, I don’t think that our games, particularly the types that have strict requirements in terms of real-time responsiveness, can offer high-quality services using cloud gaming technology because of unavoidable network latency, which I mentioned last time. We will of course continue to see how this technology develops, but in order to decide whether cloud gaming is something that we should be interested in, we will need to closely follow the changes in technology and also the business environment. However, at this point in time, I do not think that acquiring a cloud gaming company will in any way improve our performance, so we are not moving in that direction.
Families and children still very much important to Nintendo
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
One investor at Nintendo’s recent financial results briefing Q&A suggested that the company “abandon the strategy of the expansion of the gaming population and instead focus its business efforts on children and families”. In response, president Satoru Iwata promised that Nintendo has no plans to abandon this demographic, adding: “Families and children are indeed very important audiences for Nintendo. This policy will never change.”
Iwata said:
“First, families and children are some of the most important consumer groups for Nintendo with whom we have been trying to expand the gaming population, and Nintendo has shown and would like to continue to show a strong presence among these groups. Families and children are indeed very important audiences for Nintendo. This policy will never change.”
Iwata on rising digital sales, digital models such as free-to-play, more
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 0 comments
More and more consumers are purchasing digital content – even in Japan. A good chunk of Animal Crossing: New Leaf’s sales came from the eShop, and there are a fair amount of 3DS owners who have opted to purchase the downloadable version of Tomodachi Collection.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently commented on the rise of digital sales during the Q&A session of the company’s latest financial results briefing. He confirmed to attendees that Animal Crossing’s digital sales in Japan stand at 10%, while Tomodachi Collection’s digital sales have come in at 10% thus far.
A pair of new Mario Kart 7 trophies available on European Club Nintendo
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Last year, a few Mario Kart 7 trophies were added to the European Club Nintendo website as new rewards. Two more trophies have been added to the selection – the Banana Cup trophy and the Mushroom Cup trophy. Each is available for 5,000 stars.
Nintendo UK shared the news through Twitter:
Share your #MarioKart7 victories as a #ClubNintendo member with these new trophies:
— Nintendo UK (@NintendoUK) April 29, 2013