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SteamWorld Dig is Image & Form’s first 3DS title. Prior to this, the studio had been developing for iOS and Android.

Even though these platform may have larger install bases, Image & Form CEO Brjann Sigurgeirsson noted in an interview with Gamer’s Thumb that they’re more crowded, and may have users who are not as dedicated to gaming – leading to prices that “have fallen through the floor.”

Once Image & Form started to consider the situation, the company felt that the 3DS would be a good fit for their titles. With an increasing install base and gamer-centric focus, Nintendo’s portable system was a top choice for SteamWorld Dig – a game that “fits the unit like a glove.”

Twenty companies have shown interest in taking over Index’s business, Bloomberg Japan writes in a new report published today. SEGA Sammy Holdings is among the list of companies that have submitted bids.

Bids were initially thought to hold at 150 million dollars. However, in the recent tender, bids exceeded 200 million.

It is expected that candidates will be narrowed down next week. A deal could take place by the end of the month if all goes well.


Nintendo has been “fantastic” to work with, Just Add Water CEO and Oddworld Inhabitants development director Stewart Gilray has told us.

Stewart shared the information in an interview soon to be published on Nintendo Everything. He also officially confirmed that Dan Adelman, the man in charge of all things indie at Nintendo of America, specifically asked for Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD on Wii U. That was the starting point for the title’s presence on Nintendo’s new console, along with Munch’s Oddysee HD.

“Indeed, their developer relations man is a fan of the franchise so reached out to us to ask for that title specifically, that’s where the discussions started. In terms of what are they like to work with, they’re fantastic. I’ve NEVER had a problem with working with Nintendo in respect of their people and teams, it’s been a case of a problem in terms of the hardware and indeed the lack of a competent digital outlet, until now.”

Nintendo recently pushed out four new StreetPass Mii Plaza games to little fanfare. For the most part, advertising was all but non-existent. Only recently did Nintendo prepare a Japanese commercial for one of the releases, Warrior’s Way – several weeks after the new offerings launched.

Despite the lack of promotion, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has reconfirmed that the new StreetPass Mii Plaza games have performed well financially. In just the span of a month, sales of the software reached 400 million yen.

Iwata told Toyo Keizai Online:


Pokemon X/Y is a pretty big 3DS game. You’ll need 1.7GB of free space on an SD card in order to download the game. We’re also hearing that, similar to other titles, special download cards will be available in Japan for digital distribution.

In related news, the August 11 episode of Pokemon Smash is said to be Pokemon X/Y-focused.



Dragon Quest X will be receiving an official price drop late next month. On September 26, the same day that the PC edition launches, the Wii U and Wii versions will be sold for 3,990 yen. The Wii U eShop release will also be available for the same price.

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