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Another Kickstarter game may be coming to the Wii U or 3DS eShops (or perhaps retail, though that is somewhat less likely). Metroid-vania-esque title Chasm is currently trying to reach its goal of $150,000 for release on PC, Mac, and Linux, but that hasn’t stopped the developers from discussing its possible future on Nintendo platforms,

“We’ve definitely been considering Nintendo platforms — they seem like a good home for Chasm. The difficulty more lies in getting the game ported, we’d have to hire someone that knows the platforms obviously. We’re still very early in development, so estimating those costs right now is near impossible.”

-Chasm Producer James Petruzzi

Judging by the trailers and screenshots I’ve seen of the game, this would definitely sell well on something like the Wii U! I know that I would likely pick it up (assuming it didn’t get absolutely awful reviews on PC), and I think a lot of you would as well. You can check out their Kickstarter page at the link in the first paragraph.

Via Nintendo Life

Normally when you hear about a Twitter controversy it’s surrounding a comment made that wasn’t necessarily offensive or hateful, but that offending or upset some people regardless. It’s a two-sided argument that could be defended with some swift PR moves and a few apologies. Today, Nintendo of Korea will have no such luck, because the following tweet (talking about a TV personality on Korea) was posted to their Twitter account, and is certainly very one-sided:

“She should have just stayed as a TV Meteorologist. Getting all the work done on her face like that. How come a brainless bitch like you gets the entire spotlight? Who is your sponsor? TV…sigh…”

The tweet has, predictably, been removed. Rumors are circulating that someone mixed up their personal Twitter account with the one they manage (Nintendo of Korea), but Nintendo of Korea says they are certain no employees would have posted such a thing and they find the matter “frustrating”. Personally, I’m just surprised someone would post something so mean on any Twitter account, much less the one of a corporation! Too much hate, Tweeters.

Via Kotaku

Guild02 could be one of the new announcements made during this week’s Nintendo Direct.

Level-5 has renewed its black box teaser page, also teasing the news on Twitter:

The last time Level-5 messed around with the black box page, we found out that the Guild01 games were heading to North America and Europe. That’s likely the same case this time around.


Injustice: Gods Among Us won’t be hitting retail in the UK this week. The game is expected to arrive on April 26 as opposed to April 19. Warner Bros. has not explained why Injustice: Gods Among Us won’t be available on Wii U in the UL until next week.


Ubisoft is scheduled to launch the free Rayman Legends Challenges App on the Wii U eShop later this month. The exclusive download is Ubisoft’s way of showing their thanks to fans for their patience in waiting for the full game’s arrival.

The Challenges App will offer Wii U owners the following, according to lead game designer Emile Morel:

  • a crazy run in Land of the Livid Dead.
  • a journey in the vertiginous Neverending Pit.
  • a climb of the Infinite Tower as fast as possible.
  • Murfy’s Dungeon, a challenge dedicated to the Wii U GamePad where you play as Murfy on the touch screen.

Players will be able to partake in daily and weekly challenges “to compete with your friends and players from all around the world” through the online Challenge Mode. New and exclusive levels will be generated each day and every week, and the app will be supported up through the launch of the full game.

Morel told Nintendo Life that “The Rayman dev team will provide some exclusive tips and tricks for Wii U owners on Miiverse and on Facebook” and there are plans to “organize contests between our fans and the Rayman dev team.”

Level-5’s Guild01 games are going on sale on the 3DS eShop this week in Europe. The company has additionally confirmed that the three localized titles will be discounted in North America.

Pricing information is as follows:

Liberation Maiden — $4.99 until 30th May, normally €7.99
Crimson Shroud — $4.99 until 30th May, normally $7.99
Aero Porter — $2.99 until 30th May, normally $4.99

Discounted prices for both North America and Europe will go live on Thursday.


Wedbush and EEDAR have provided predictions for the March 2013 NPD report. The actual data will be made available on Thursday.

Predictions from both groups can be found below.

Wedbush / EEDAR March hardware sales estimates (change year-on-year):

  • 360 – 290,000 (-22%) / 330,000 (-11%)
  • PS3 – 260,000 (-22) / 270,000 (-19%)
  • 3DS – 190,000 (-16%) / 190,000 (-16%)
  • DS – 85,000 (-20%) / 100,000 (-5%)
  • Wii – 85,000 (-51%) / 80,000 (-54%)
  • Wii U – 55,000 (n/a) / 65,000 (n/a)
  • Vita – 42,500 (-80%) / 45,000 (n/a)
  • PSP – 10,000 (-67%) / n/a (n/a)
  • PS2 – 100 (-99%) / n/a (n/a)
  • Total – 1,017,600 (-30%) / 1,080,000 (-26%)


SEGA has finally confirmed that the company will be releasing Castle of Illusion staring Mickey Mouse this summer. The game, which is being rebuilt from the ground up by SEGA Studios Australia, will offer “stunning visuals and new gameplay mechanics.”

Here’s where things get a bit odd: Castle of Illusion is apparently coming to the Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and Steam. There’s no word on a Wii U or PS Vita release, even though both platforms were included in official Brazilian classification ratings.

We’ll try to get some answers…

Source: SEGA PR

Namco Bandai has registered a trademark for something called “Tekken Arena” in Europe. According to the listing, Arena is intended for use with videos. It’s unclear what Namco Bandai could be planning at present, but we’re hoping that Tekken Arena will end up on dedicated gaming consoles/handhelds.


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