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Numerous pieces of evidence have surfaced over the past few months suggesting that a Wii U version of Splinter Cell: Blacklist is in the works. Here’s another one: the game is now listed on Amazon France.

Why Ubisoft hasn’t confirmed Blacklist for Wii U yet remains to be seen. Either a whole bunch of people are making mistakes, or Ubisoft is just being difficult.

Source, Via

Activision is treating the Wii U very strangely in Australia. In the past, the company declined to bring The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct and 007 Legends to the console. Now Activision has confirmed that it won’t be releasing Fast & Furious: Showdown on Wii U either.

None of these games are system sellers, but the Wii U does need games and this isn’t exactly the best trend to set. You have to wonder what kind of support Activision will be giving Nintendo’s new system in Australia going forward…

Source, Via

“New development in the form of updated versions of SF2, SF3, MvC2, MvC1, Marvel Super Heroes, Darkstalkers, Puzzle Fighter etc. Sadly, I think we’ve probably run the course of feasible titles here given the droppoff we’ve seen in sales with each new introduction.”

“It seems the novelty of such projects is wearing off even within just the fighting game community based upon the sales data of our last two launches. That said, we have been quite prolific in these areas (despite the assertion above that we haven’t) and it’s probably time for us to slow down anyway.”

– Capcom USA Senior VP Christian Svensson

I was always wondering when we’d start to see the drop-off in remakes and HD re-releases of old games, so maybe this news from Capcom is a clue that things will start to tire shortly. After all, we’ve gone through Ico, Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter games, Resident Evil titles… and so many more! We’re bound to run down soon.

Via Siliconera


1. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
2. Toki Tori 2
3. LEGO City: Undercover
4. Nintendo Land
5. Runner2
6. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
7. The Cave
8. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
9. Need for Speed: Most Wanted U
10. New Super Mario Bros. U
11. Trine 2: Director’s Cut
12. Puddle
13. Nano Assault Neo
14. Little Inferno
15. Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition
16. Scribblenauts Unlimited
17. ZombiU
18. Chasing Aurora
19. The Croods: Prehistoric Party!
20. Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game


1. Iwata Plays: Game & Wario
2. Need for Speed: Most Wanted U Trailer
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us Trailer
4. Toki Tori 2 Video
5. LEGO City: Undercover
6. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Trailer
7. New Super Mario Bros. U Video
8. Runner2 Trailer
9. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream Trailer
10. LEGO City: Undercover Trailer 4
11. LEGO City: Undercover Trailer 2
12. LEGO City: Undercover Accolades Trailer
13. LEGO City: Undercover Trailer 3
14. The Cave Trailer
15. Trine 2: Director’s Cut Video
16. LEGO City: Undercover Vehicles Trailer
17. The Croods: Prehistoric Party! Trailer
18. The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Trailer
19. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Video
20. LEGO City: Undercover Disguises Trailer

Source: Wii U eShop

Time for another 3DS block size update! Dillon’s Rolling Western: The Last Ranger, the latest title from Nintendo, takes up 2,295 blocks.

You’ll be able to download Dillon’s Rolling Western: The Last Ranger this Thursday from the North American eShop. It’s unclear when the title will be hitting the European store at this time.


Only one new video was added to the 3DS eShop this past week. You can watch a trailer for the VC release of Castlevania… and that’s all! Hopefully we’ll be seeing more content with Thursday’s update.

Source: 3DS eShop

These rumors have been floating around for a while now, but a couple of days ago everyone’s favorite Destructoid editor Jonathan Holmes tweeted that he’s heard that Nintendo is giving away Wii U dev kids, presumably to garner long-term support for the console:

Honestly, this is one of those things that more people should be doing with their companies. Taking a financial hit initially in order to get more people on board with your console or idea should keep them coming back in the future, ensuring that they don’t just make games in the short term and then abandon you altogether– which happened with the Wii!

Via Nintendo Life


1. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon
2. Super Mario 3D Land
3. Pokemon Dream Radar
4. HarmoKnight
5. Pokedex 3D Pro
6. 3D Classics: Kid Icarus
7. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
8. Kersploosh!
9. Super Mario Bros.
10. Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
11. Star Fox 64 3D
12. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
13. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
14. Gunman Clive
15. Fire Emblem: Awakening
16. Castlevania
17. Mega Man 3
18. Colors! 3D
19. The Legend of Zelda
20. Cut The Rope


1. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon Multiplayer Demo Video
2. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon Trailer
3. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon Launch Trailer
4. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon Multiplayer Video
5. Nintendo Show 3D: March 28, 2013
6. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon Commercial
7. Pokemon X and Pokemon Y Video
8. HarmoKnight Trailer
9. Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move Trailer
10. Wreck-It Ralph Video
11. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
12. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Video
13. HarmoKnight Gameplay Trailer
14. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Trailer
15. Mega Man 4 Trailer
16. Pokedex 3D Pro Trailer
17. Mario Kart 7 Video
18. Kersploosh! Trailer
19. The Croods: Prehistoric Party! Trailer
20. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Intro

Source: 3DS eShop

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