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ONM’s latest issue has started to reach subscribers, but it’s the magazine’s next edition that is receiving greater attention.

For its February issue, ONM teases:

“Are you scared? You should be… World Exclusive! The first look at a stunning new game.”

The teaser page additionally contains art depicting pipework and engineering. Some are now speculating that Resident Evil is on the way to Wii U.

Convieniently enough, achievements leaked out last night for a title called Resident Evil Revelations Unveiled Edition. Perhaps Capcom will be bringing this new version to Wii U.

Thanks to Nom for the tip.

Source 1, Source 2

Rayman creator Michel Ancel has had nothing but praise for the Wii U. In an interview with GamesTM, Ancel continued to speak positively about the hardware.

Ancel told the magazine that the Wii U is powerful and his team hasn’t encountered any limitations. Ubisoft was also able to improve upon its UbiArt engine. Players experiencing Rayman Legends may notice greater depth to the visuals compared to Origins, and there are also enhanced lighting effects.

“The hardware is powerful and we haven’t had any limitations. Visually, because we’ve had more time with the UbiArt engine, we were able to add a lot of depth to the graphics. You can especially see it in the backgrounds. There are more layers, more details; it feels more like a landscape. We’ve also done a lot with the lighting effects, both in gameplay and graphics.”

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

THQ will be auctioning off its assets in just a few days. When the time comes, Double Fine could join in on the bidding.

Distressed Debt Investing wrote on Twitter that “Double Fine has requested the bankruptcy filings in the THQ case”. Now, Double Fine probably won’t be going after IPs such as Darksiders, but perhaps the company could be interested in smaller franchises such as Costume Quest. Double Fine teamed up with THQ for the title back in 2010.


Nintendo has posted another round of character art and details from Fire Emblem: Awakening. The latest information covers Miriel and Vaike. A rundown of each character is below, along with art.


Miriel from Fire Emblem Awakening is a Shepherd who adores her research and obsesses over her studies. She’s quiet and organized but can be tough towards people who are careless.


A Shepherd who considers himself Chrom’s rival, Vaike has a loud personality and more confidence than his ability warrants.


Aliens: Colonial Marines developer Gearbox Software received an offer to make a Call of Duty title. The studio decided against going through with it, however.

Pitchford said that making a Call of Duty “wouldn’t move us forward”, nor would there be a “significant challenge that would be gratifying to overcome.”

A translated portion of Pitchford’s German KGN interview reads:

“I don’t think there’s anything to accomplish there. I think if I was only in it for the money I would’ve done that.[…] I think to do ‘Call of Duty’ right you need to do what needs to be done and there are a lot of people who can do that. For us it wouldn’t add to our credibility, it wouldn’t move us forward. There would be no significant challenge that would be gratifying to overcome.”

Source, Via

Capcom is continuing to highlight creatures from Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. The latest, Plesioth, is a Piscine Wyvern in the game.

Plesioth screenshots and details are posted below, straight from Capcom-Unity.

The Fire Emblem: Awakening 3DS bundle is in fact coming to North America. NOA tweeted a confirmation earlier today.

A high-quality photo shows that the package will come with a special 3DS system and Awakening pre-installed.

Nintendo of America wrote on Twitter:


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