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escapeVektor is due out on the 3DS eShop on December 20 for $9.99 / €9.99.

Quick heads up: we have to do another round of maintenance on NE/GE tomorrow. Some caching stuff still needs to be addressed. Most of you may not notice anything at all while this is taking place, but if anything seems out of whack, be aware that it’s intentional!

Remember to read from bottom-to-top… and right-to-left!


Darksiders II and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword can be purchased for a discount at Target.

The retailer is currently selling Darksiders II Wii U for just $39.99. Skyward Sword can be bought for only $29.99.

It’s unclear how long these deals will be in effect for (though there’s some talk that Zelda’s deal expires on Saturday), so take advantage of them while you can.

Source 1, Source 2

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