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Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward has a pretty significant bug. It’s so significant that, if encountered, your game could crash and save data may be corrupted.

On the bright side, publisher Aksys Games is looking into the situation. There’s no word on when a fix would be prepared, but hopefully something can be pushed out to players soon.

Source, Via

Darksiders II trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

Mass Effect 3’s Omega DLC will be hitting the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on November 27. Strangely, there are no plans to bring the content to Wii U, according to the series’ official Twitter account.

Regarding other DLC, it sounds like the Wii U version of Mass Effect 3 may not be receiving anything else. When a fan asked if any sort of single-player or multiplayer content not found on-disc will be offered on the console, the Twitter account said: “Never say never.”


The developer behind Colors! 3D is working on an update for the eShop title. This is what we know about it thus far:

– Colors! Gallery experience to be improved
– Offline improvements such as bug fixes
– New feature: Followers
– Followers let you customize the Colors! Gallery browsing experience
– Hit “follow artist” and the person’s painting will show up on the gallery’s front page
– “Favorites” have been renamed to “Liked paintings”
– Favorites are now public
– Filters in the works

It’s not clear when the Colors! 3D update will go live, but the team hopes to get it out before the end of the year.

Source, Via

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