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Nicalis has given updates on a bunch of its projects. New details on Ikachan, Aban Hawkins and the 1,001 Spikes, and Yatagarasu have been posted below. There’s also information about a possible free update for Cave Story on the eShop.


– Will be out on DSiWare and the 3DS eShop simultaneously
– New enemies, areas, and more
– New aspect ratio for the eShop version
– Aiming for December release

Cave Story (eShop)

– Nicalis wants to bring the Holiday-themed update to the game
– Would include the Christmas themed re-skin from Cave Story+ on Steam
– Not confirmed to be happening
– If it’s possible, it’ll be available for free before Christmas

Aban Hawkins and the 1,001 Spikes

– 12+ playable character in multiplayer vs. mode
– Aban, his sister, father, Commander Video from Bit.Trip, characters from Tempura of the Dead, and many more will be playable
– New multiplayer mode: two players compete to climb a tower and “save a maiden”
– Releasing next year
– Delayed since Nicalis keeps adding content


– Making adjustments to the game
– Backgrounds are being altered to optimize them for a 3D display
– May have online multiplayer
– For this to happen, there needs to be minimal lag and without other performance issues
– Local multiplayer lobbies are also a possibility


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:

3DS Downloadable Titles

Ch? K?s? Kenz? Keikaku Buildinga – 600 yen
Hiku Otsu (Crashmo) – 700 yen
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (starting 11/1) – 5,400 yen

Virtual Console

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Game Gear) – 300 yen
Ninja Jaja Maru-kun (Famicom) – 500 yen


Oni Training

Video Content

Ch? K?s? Kenz? Keikaku Buildinga videos
Animal Crossing: New Leaf commercials
3D streaming video for Animal Crossing: New Leaf


The following Rock Band Music Store songs will be made available on November 6:

Dave Matthews Band – “Mercy” – keyboard support
Dave Matthews Band – “Ants Marching” – Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions available for $0.99, keyboard support
Dave Matthews Band – “So Much to Say” – keyboard support

Each song can be purchased for $2.00 on Wii.

Source: Harmonix PR

Recently, there was a lot of confusion as to whether or not New Super Mario Bros. U would run in 1080p. The game’s official site initially said that it would. Nintendo soon quietly updated the page, hinting that it wouldn’t.

Now we have the official word on the situation. Nintendo has opened Mario Bros. U’s full site, and it includes a statement noting that the original comment was inaccurate.

“The previously stated information about video output for this game was inaccurate. The Wii U console supports video output of up to 1080p. While all Wii U software titles display high definition graphics, resolution for specific titles may vary.”

SiNG Party commercial

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

Four of Nintendo’s Wii U games now have full sites. In other words, they aren’t in a teaser state any longer. Some content is still missing, but expect the pages to be updated over the next few weeks.

Links to the four Wii U sites are posted below.

Nintendo Land
New Super Mario Bros. U
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge
SiNG Party

Thanks to De’Aris Demere Jinks for the tip.

XSEED was recently asked about the possibility of localizing Rune Factory IV. The company previously brought Rune Factory Frontier to North America.

Responding to the question on its Facebook page, XSEED wrote:

“Hmmm, we’ve had an itch to work on another Rune Factory game since we loved Frontier so much, so let’s see if we can’t grab a back scratcher somehow…”

If XSEED doesn’t release Rune Factory IV in the states, maybe Natsume can. Other than that, I’m not sure about any other companies that would get involved.


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