First 20 minutes of Assassin’s Creed III
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Update: Video is gone now. Hope you watched it while it was up!
It should go without saying that you should be cautious of spoilers…
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge teaser site open
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Nintendo has opened a teaser site for a third Wii U game that is set to come out on launch. You can take a look at the official page for Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge here.
Look for the full site soon.
Nintendo Everything celebrates its fifth anniversary
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments
This is an important day for two reasons. First, my guinea pig is turning one year old today. Wait… I’m the only one who cares about that? Well, aside from my personal update, you may be surprised to hear that Nintendo Everything is celebrating its fifth anniversary today as well!
When I look back on things, I seriously can’t believe that the site has been up this long. I’ve grown along with NE in many ways, and I truly believe that our updates have steadily improved over the years – in terms of quality and quantity.
I’m really pleased with where NE is at right now. I feel like we have a great handling of the news, and always post appropriate content in large bunches that is relevant to everybody’s interests. Austin has also been doing a bang-up job with features over the past couple of months with his podcasts and other initiatives like our Extra Life charity event.
At this time next year, I think you’ll find that NE’s ability to deliver updates will be better than ever – more on that in a few months. For now, let’s take the time to enjoy this day.
Happy anniversary, Nintendo Everything!
Note: Now that the day has passed, I figured you’d all love to hear that my guinea pig had a lovely birthday!
More Burger King Wii U toys appear
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
We’re slowly but surely starting to see more of Burger King’s Wii U toys. Photos of additional ones have emerged, and they’re all in the gallery above.
Keep in mind that the items pictured aren’t the only Wii U toys that the fast food restaurant is offering. In total, ten toys should be made available.
Sumo further explains lack of Wii U voice chat in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed won’t support voice chat on Wii U. Executive producer Steve Lycett briefly discussed the decision, but has since provided a more in-depth explanation about the missing feature.
Here’s what he had to say:
“…Bear in mind Voice chat is only supported by third party peripherals and then only on the GamePad. Given we felt only a select few players would therefore go buy said peripheral and it meant only one player being able to chat, we opted to spend the time and effort on features more players would enjoy.
“We’ve hardly rushed it out, we’ve attempted to support as many WiiU specifics as we can via the 5 player splitscreen both off and online, WiiU specific game modes, Mii’s with a unique vehicle and more.
“You make these calls with a launch title as you don’t know what kind of uptake a given feature has. Besides, lack of voice chat never hurt Mario Kart Wii eh? :P”
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors available for $15 on Amazon
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Amazon is selling 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors for just $14.99. Considering Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward is due out tomorrow, this would be the perfect time to get yourself acquainted with the original game.
You can order 999 here.
Fan painting pays tribute to Nintendo Power
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Random | 0 comments

Bry Sharland isn’t pleased that Nintendo Power will soon be shutting down. Actually, he tells us that he’s been “depressed” over its imminent closure.
In hopes of paying tribute to the magazine, Bry has been working on a painting since August while being involved with two jobs. It features some of Nintendo’s most popular characters as well as Nester – one of Nintendo Power’s older mascots.
Props to Bry for making this painting. There’s no way we could have made something like this!
Lots of new Ace Attorney 5 details
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
New Ace Attorney 5 details have emerged from Nintendo Dream. Producer Motohide Eshiro and scenario director Takeshi Yamazaki took some time to share some general information. While there’s nothing huge in this batch – aside from some interesting talk about voice acting – the content below should be of interest to Ace Attorney fans.
Batch 1
– Talk of Ace Attorney 5 started last autumn
– Once the staff was decided upon, the four writers and the character designer lodged together for four days and three nights, for an intense brainstorming session
– They then came up with the “impactful event” for AA5, which is the courtroom explosion
– Phoenix’s return as the protagonist of the game raised some concerns
– Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth had never been the main playable character prior to the Investigations games, so his quirks were easy to work with
– Phoenix has been the main character from the start and he is someone everyone can relates to, so it took much more time to grasp his character
– The team wanted to make a Phoenix that inherited his traits from Apollo Justice, but also brought back some of his “youth” from Trials and Tribulations
– Phoenix’s new partner, Kokone Kizuki, has her name coming from a play on words for “to notice things” and “listening to the heart or soul”
– Kokone was designed to be a heroine who actively fights alongside Phoenix
– Because of this, she’s a defense attorney working under Phoenix
– Her initial design was very sci-fi-esque
– Some traces of this have been left in her final design
– The monitor (named “Monita”) hanging from her neck is what enables the special “Heart Scope” function in this game
– Heart Scope was thought of at the start of development
– Yamazaki suggested a system where one could see through the various emotions a witness goes through as he’s giving his account
– These emotions would hold the key to seeing through the various preconceptions and prejudices of people dragged into such an extreme situation (a murder) that eventually appear in their testimonies
– First time voice actors will be used in-game
– The team knows that there will be some fans who won’t be happy with the change, but it decided on after much consideration
– First reason was because the 3DS’ surround sound capabilities would have made it difficult bringing over the DS sounds due to tuning problems
– Another concern: the staff wanted the game sequences to work with the anime scenes, which are also fully voiced
– Eshiro carefully selected returning characters
– Eshiro considered characters that were not only very popular but also those who would fit into the story of Ace Attorney 5 without feeling awkward or forced
Batch 2
– They talk about the reception at TGS and the pressure of developing a proper sequel to the AA series.
– Yamazaki is a ‘scenario director’, which is a rare function actually. The scenario is written together by four people, with Yamazaki having the last call on edits and such.
– They talk about the theme of the ‘trials falling apart’. They had played with a concept of a ‘torture trial’ if you get a guilty verdict.
– They talk about how it is to have to change from writing from Edgeworth’s point of view to Nick’s (as they are different characters, naturally)
– In the animated parts, you see that Nick is still using the same cellphone he has always used.
– Because of the better sound quality of the 3DS, they couldn’t use the old sound bites Takumi Shuu had done (Objection! etc). And as they are using animation anyway, they have hired proper voice actors. But for smaller parts, they might still use company workers (in the demo, the voice of Shinobu was actually also a company worker)
– Dark Payne (little brother) was conceived because they wanted a evil prosecutor, but they couldn’t just change Payne (older brother) in someone evil suddenly. They do still think that Payne is still working. They joke about how the Paynes are now the Turnabout Brothers. Yamazaki throws in an idea for a new game: Turnabout Payne (Eshiro: What are they going to turnabout?!).
– If Kay is a genki girl, then Kotone is a determined girl, who will do everything to help her superior, according to Yamazaki.
– The pendant Kotone is wearing is called a Monita (???). Because a monitor comes out of it. One of the apps in it, is the Heart Scop
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Three Iwata Asks now live: Pokemon Black/White 2, Art Academy, Style Savvy
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Iwata Asks discussions tend to pop up in bunches. We’ve seen two Wii U interviews over the past couple of weeks, and Nintendo has now added in talks for Pokemon Black/White 2, Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone!, and Style Savvy: Trendsetters.
Links to each can be found below.
Pokemon Black/White 2
Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone!
Style Savvy: Trendsetters