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GameStop is offering an Oswald Ears Hat with pre-orders of Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two. The bonus is also eligible for the 3DS title Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion.

You can pre-order Epic Mickey 2 on Wii here and Power of Illusion here.

Strangely, the hat isn’t listed on the Wii U page. Hopefully that’ll change soon…

Thanks to Streety for the tip.

Following the conclusion of today’s Japanese Nintendo Direct, a site has opened for Animal Crossing: Jump Out. There are a ton of screens there, some of which we’ll post later.

For now, visit the site here.

Retro City Rampage was announced a loooooooooong time ago. Certainly over two years ago.

Given how the initial reveal took place in 2010, some may not remember that Retro City Rampage was originally in the works as a WiiWare exclusive. That’s changed now, and it’s coming to a bunch of different platforms.

The PlayStation 3/Vita/PC versions come out next week for $15. The WiiWare release is on track for 2012, but a final date hasn’t been pinned down. At least we know it’s finally on the way!


Now that Shin Megami Tensei IV’s uncut trailer has been released, Atlus has given the game’s official site a complete refresh. There still isn’t much to see, but you can expect new content to be added over the next few months.

Access the site here.

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