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There’s No Escaping Zero: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Officially part of Zero Escape Series

Torrance, CA (September 19, 2012) – Aksys Games, a publisher of interactive entertainment products, announces that the critically acclaimed hit, Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, for the Nintendo DS® will feature a completely redesigned box art in celebration of the newest installment of the Zero Escape series!

Ben Bateman, editor of Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors explains:

For “Zero Escape” we wanted to create a branding umbrella that VLR [Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward], 999, and any future games could rest under comfortably—a little like the “Ace Attorney” brand, if you will. To do that, we thought about what it was that defined 999 and VLR and was common to both games, and eventually settled on the character of Zero and the idea that each game involves a dangerous escape. Hence, Zero Escape, which has the nice, ominous double meaning of “You have zero chance to escape.”

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop
THE “DENPA” MEN: They Came By Wave (demo version) – Mysterious little creatures called “Denpa” Men float around near radio waves. You can’t see them normally, but you can find them and catch them in this dungeon RPG for Nintendo 3DS. (For Nintendo 3DS™ / Nintendo 3DS™ XL)

Last Chance to Get Pokédex™ 3D – If you haven’t downloaded Pokédex 3D to your Nintendo 3DS system yet, time is running out. The free application, which lets you see each Pokémon™ in 3D with animated motion and sound, will be available in the Nintendo eShop only until Oct. 1, 2012. (For Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo 3DS XL)

Namco Bandai has updated its TGS page with confirmations of two playable Wii U titles. Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition and Tank! Tank! Tank! are playable at the show this year.

Good news, Monster Hunter fans! Capcom has confirmed that Monster Hunter 4 will support online play. A demo of the functionality was shown during a live stage show at TGS today.

There will also be some sort of chat feature. Details on this element haven’t been publicized yet, so stay tuned for an update on that.

Nintendo previously said it would release a new version of the Circle Pad Pro for the 3DS XL. Well, here it is!

There’s admittedly not much to see. The design looks slightly different compared to the original Circle Pad Pro, though the bottom line is that it still provides dual analog controls on the 3DS.

This updated version is still without a release date or price. But now that we’ve actually seen it, maybe it isn’t too far off from releasing.

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