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Konami has made it official: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate won’t ship this year. The game has been pushed back to an unspecified date in 2013. Konami didn’t comment on the specifics behind Mirror of Fate’s delay.


escapeVektor 3DS footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Not much has changed regarding the possibility of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 for Wii U. Producer David Cox is still saying that it’s possible, but it’s “hard to make a case”.

Konami confirmed a PC version of Lords of Shadow 2 earlier today. Cox believes that this makes more sense compared to making the game for Wii U since the PC has a higher userbase.

“How many people have a Wii U? #zero How many people have a PC #lots – Never say never for Wii U but hard to make a case!”


Update: Eurogamer published the following notice clarifying Sumo’s graphics comments:

“We’ve updated the headline of this article to better reflect the content of the story. Sega was referring to the visuals of Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed on Wii U compared to the visuals of the other versions, not the graphics capabilities of the Wii U itself. Sorry for the confusion this has caused.”

Sumo Digital is currently working on Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed for Wii U. Asked about the console’s graphics, the studio said they’re “on-par” with current-gen systems, adding that they could be “even better”.

Other news from Sumo concerns a special character inclusion in Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed. The Wii U edition as well as the portable version for 3DS will exclusively support Miis.


Remember the awesome-looking Hyrule Historia art book that came out in Japan late last year? Many thought that all hope had been lost for an English localization, but Dark Horse Books has confirmed that it will be made available in North America early next year.

The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia will be released on January 29, 2013. You’ll be able to purchase the book for $34.99. Considering all of the wonderful art and tidbits included, that’s a pretty great price!

Thanks to Tim for the tip.


I’m really sorry, Monster Hunter fans. You must be getting tired of hearing about the series at this point. Capcom has been teasing news on a regular basis, promising an update, but we still haven’t heard anything.

They’ve said that news is coming… and they’re still saying that.

Capcom community manager Brett Elston wrote on Twitter today:

“Not kidding when we say there will be Monster Hunter news soon. ‘Soon’ is relative I know, but there are some solid hints out there.”

Man… if this “news” doesn’t turn out to be about a Monster Hunter Tri G or MH4 localization… well, I can’t even imagine the backlash Capcom would receive. Just give us the news already!


New Super Mario Bros. 2 costs a heck of a lot on the Australian eShop. Pricing is set at $69.95 AU, which would be roughly $73.37 USD.

It’s true that this is the recommended retail price at most stores, but quite a few have been offering the title for under $60 AU.


The available stock of gold nunchuck accessories has sold out on Club Nintendo. It’s been removed from the rewards page and the actual listing says that the prize isn’t available any longer. There’s a good chance that the gold nunchuck won’t come back in stock, so hopefully you grabbed one if you had any interest!

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