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Gearbox Software and SEGA haven’t let any details out about the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines. This has been the case for much all developers/publishers on the console.

However, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford recently dished out a new tease about the Wii U edition of the Aliens project. Pitchford told The Verge, “The Wii U version has so much more to offer … no other platform can do what the Wii U can do.” He added, “Nintendo opens up their kimono a little bit more about that platform and where it is going, we will be there right with them talking about how Aliens is using it.”

Pitchford’s comments in full:

“The Wii U version has so much more to offer … no other platform can do what the Wii U can do. If you love [Xbox] 360 games, you are not used to being in a world where you have this new interface. But once you get used to that, you imagine the possibilities; there are some opportunities that are just not possible on any platform that does not have that device.

“I don’t want to give spoilers away on some of things we are thinking of or things we have actually implemented already, but a lot of cool opportunities with that device that are going to make a very unique and compelling experience on that platform. We have given a lot of attention. I think it will not be too long [before] Nintendo opens up their kimono a little bit more about that platform and where it is going, we will be there right with them talking about how Aliens is using it.”


Dr. Mario eShop trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

You can find the first North American Kid Icarus: Uprising commercial here.

Repeat message – Beware of spoilers!

Beware of spoilers!

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