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It looks like Nintendo will be teaming up with Burger King to provide patrons with an array of Wii U toys. A teaser image, pictured above, was located on the restaurant’s “toys page” – hinting at more news to come.

We obviously don’t know about Nintendo and Burger King’s exact plans, but it would make sense to offer NFC toys that could somehow be used with the console and/or games.

Source, Via

– No restrictions on the amount of items you can have in the environment
– “players go wild and add way more objects to the level than they ever could.”
– Objects are now in vector art
– Objects retain their clarity when enlarged or shrunk
– You no longer have to switch between the touch and button controls, since there are two screens


ZombiU – New details

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

This comes from a VG247 hands-on preview, and it makes me so excited!

– Brutally difficult
– The “Dark Souls” of zombie games
– Mixes the continuous dread of “Amnesia” with the unforgiving nature of “Dark Souls”
– The cricket bat is a default, unbreakable weapon
– Shotgun in this playthrough started with “only” 30 bullets
– The flashlight is essential in the sewer, but runs out of power quickly
– Takes a while for the flashlight to recharge, during which time the Wii U’s radar screen is useful
– One zombie takes about six “heavy” hits with the cricket bat to kill
– Gunfire attracts more zombies with each successive shot
– Flares can be used to draw them out more slowly
– Limited inventory slots, resource management is crucial
– Safehouses are respawn zones, contain crafting benches and lockers
– When you respawn, you start with a cricket bat, flashlight, and pistol with six rounds
– Upgraded weapons you make won’t be visible on the map when you lose them to zombification, so chances are it’s gone forever
– Wading through water causes you to lift your backpack overhead, leaving you defenseless
– You can leave graffiti messages on walls for other players online
– The graffiti messages aren’t words, but a choice of symbols to try and communicate with friends
– When your survivor dies, there’s a chance he’ll spawn in a friend’s game as well

Via VG247

Namco Bandai has opened a site for its new 3DS game, “Toriko Gourmet Monsters!”. You can take a look at the page here.

A trailer will be released later this week – Friday specifically. Just in time for the Tokyo Game Show!

When the 3DS XL launched in Japan, white was made available as one color. There was additionally a silver and black option that also came out in Europe. Meanwhile, a white or silver color variation still hasn’t reached North America.

There is reasoning behind Nintendo of America’s decision not to release a silver/white model. Reggie Fils-Aime explained to IGN that these colors tend to underperform on the market. It sounds like a white/silver 3DS XL could hit the North American market in the future, but it’ll be more of a limited product rather than a mass product.

“We have launched silver- and white-colored GBAs, DSes, DSis, and in our [North American] market they don’t sell very well. So instead of approaching this lighter-colored product as a mass [product], we’re going to look at the opportunity on a much more limited basis. You might see a limited-time offer with a white or silver 3DS XL, or we might colorize it slightly differently. But in terms of an ongoing SKU, the consumer has responded in our marketplace and said that, for a handheld gaming device from Nintendo, that kind of white or silver doesn’t sell nearly as well as blue or red or even pink.”


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