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EnjoyUp Games is coming out with “Bowling Bonanza 3D” on the 3DS eShop tomorrow.

Bowling Bonanza 3D sports Quick Play, Arcade, league and tournament game modes, hot seat multiplayer with up to 4 players, 5 CPU difficulty settings, a Full Rating and progress system, over 10 environments and pin sets, more than 30 bowling balls, and ball customization. Whew. That’s not all! You’ll also be able to save your favorite shots and re-watch them through video playback. Lastly, you can full adjust your stance, direction, or ball spin while setting up your shot.

You can find some screenshots from Bowling Bonanza 3D above.

Notion Games and Ubisoft have settled on a name change for Super Ubi Land. Ubisoft asked Notion to change Super Ubie Land’s name due to the similarity of “Ubi” to “Ubie”.

The change is nothing major – the downloadable title will now be called “Super Ubie Land”.

Notion tweeted just a short while ago:


Nintendo announced the Metallic Red 3DS system for Japan last night. Also hidden among the news: the Cobalt Blue and Misty Pink color variations will be discounted. Nintendo has not said when the two products will halt production.


Later this year, Watch_Dogs will enter the same position as Assassin’s Creed when it launched in 2007. Watch_Dogs will just getting its feet wet on the market, but there are nevertheless high expectations.

Ubisoft is also banking on the IP becoming a hit, especially from a sales standpoint. EMEA executive director Alain Corre said during a financial call today that the title “can do probably as well or probably even better than Assassin’s Creed I”.

“Watch_Dogs can do probably as well or probably even better than AC1, in the target we’ve given we’ve taken quantity that are below AC1. So that’s the point.”


We haven’t seen a whole lot of CryEngine 3-supported games on Wii U. However, Precursor Games is taking advantage of the tech to create Shadow of the Eternals – a game that will come to the eShop in due time.

Running CryEngine 3 on the Wii U wasn’t difficult, according to Precursor. Responding to one fan during a Facebook Q&A, the company said that “it’s not hard at all. The CryEngine3 fully supports the Wii U”.

Now if only DICE and EA could say the same about the Frostbite engine…


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