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Switch eShop

The Little Acre

A few days ago, the adventure game The Little Acre arrived on the Switch eShop. Check out some footage of the title in the video below.

Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package

Nintendo has updated the release schedule on its platforms for the week of May 9. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


One of the things Hob: The Definitive Edition players initially expressed some frustration over when the game launched on Switch a few weeks ago was the resolution. In handheld mode, things just weren’t all that crisp.

With a new version 1.1.1 patch issued today, this has now been addressed. Panic Button says handheld mode image quality was a “top priority” and calls it a “huge step forward.” On top of that, the patch “contains a handful of other fixes and improvements.”


Seeing as Shakedown: Hawaii is just a few days away from release, Vblank Entertainment is ramping up promotional efforts. We have a new “Hostile Takeover” trailer below.

Milestone issued a gameplay trailer for its new racer MotoGP 19. Take a look at the latest video below.

Nintendo has put out a new video highlighting some of the games that were added to the eShop around April. Get a look at it below.

Meow Motors

The racing title Meow Motors is making its way to Switch next week, a listing on the eShop reveals. It’ll be out in both North America and Europe on May 8.

Here’s an overview of the game, along with a trailer:

nWay has announced that new content is now available for Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid. The team has added in a story mode from writer Kyle Higgins, new characters, battle arenas, and voiceovers from original cast members.

Here’s a breakdown of everything new:

BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!

When HAL Laboratory works on projects like Kirby, the developer builds those games with an internal engine. But with BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!, the team opted for something different.

It appears that BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! was actually created with Unity. That news comes straight from the game’s copyright screen, which shows the following:

As we just found out today, Bird Game+ lands on the Switch eShop this Friday. Take a look at some footage below.

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