Neo Geo lineup on Switch adding Over Top at the end of this month
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 11 Comments
Another Neo Geo game has been dated for Switch. Over on the European eShop, Over Top is listed for April 27. The Neo Geo titles tend to launch worldwide, so North America and Japan should be getting it on the same day.
Here’s an overview of Over Top:
Over Top is a racing game released by SNK in 1996. Players will participate in breathtaking races through urban areas, mountainous regions, and snowy roads. The courses also feature weather variants to add more variety to the game. In addition to the various vehicles with different performance factors which players can use, they can also enjoy the thrill of drifting their way through corners to clear courses.
The ACA NeoGeo series has faithfully reproduced many classic NeoGeo masterpieces. Players can change various game settings such as game difficulty and also reproduce the atmosphere of arcade display settings of that time. Players can also compete against each other from all over the world with their high scores.
Please enjoy the masterpiece that built a generation for video games.
ACA NeoGeo Over Top will cost $7.99 / €6.99 / £6.29.
Source: Switch eShop
More: Arcade Archives, Hamster
Crawl dev “looking into” Switch port
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 2 Comments
Powerhoof is “looking into” a potential Switch version of Crawl, the developer said on Twitter today. When asked by a fan about the possibility, the indie studio wrote:
@swikc yup, we're looking into it 🙂
— Powerhoof (@Powerhoof) April 11, 2017
Crawl just came out today. It’s a local multiplayer dungeon crawler in which your friends control the monsters. Combining bullet-hell beat-em-up gameplay with old-school RPGs, the “arcadey party-game” supports up to four players.
Here’s the premise:
“One player is the hero, exploring a randomly generated dungeon full of traps and monsters – all controlled by the other players. If you slay the hero you take their place and it’s your turn to crawl! Then it’s a race to gain enough XP and loot to reach the final battle, where it’s all on one as the other players collectively control the hulking final boss!”
And a trailer:
Yooka-Laylee launch trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
It’ll take some time until Yooka-Laylee is ready on Switch, but Playtonic and Team17 are nonetheless having the initial launch today. The final video for the game is as follows:
More: Playtonic, Team17, Yooka-Laylee
More Mr. Shifty footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
More footage of Mr. Shifty continues to come in just prior to its launch on Switch this week. View another gameplay video below.
More: Mr. Shifty, Team Shifty, tinyBuild
An hour of Yooka-Laylee footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Zack in Switch eShop, Videos | 8 Comments
Some more footage of Yooka-Laylee is available to watch now from the folks at GameXplain. About an hour of footage was recorded. Check it out below.
More: Playtonic, Team17, Yooka-Laylee
Sine Mora EX rated for a Switch release
Posted on 7 years ago by Zack in News, Switch eShop | 14 Comments
The Brazil Advisory Rating Board has rated Sine Mora EX for a Switch release, alongside iOS and Android.
While the Sine Mora EX is already confirmed to be launching for PS4 and Xbox One, there has been no official announcement of the Switch version of the title as of yet.
Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture originally made the shoot ’em up a few years back. The “EX” version has new elements, but it’s unclear what additions are being included at this time.
Jackbox Party Pack 3 file size
Posted on 7 years ago by Zack in News, Switch eShop | 4 Comments
You’ll soon be able to play The Jackbox Party Pack 3 on your Switch when it releases on April 13. Now, we know how much space you’ll need to download the title from the Switch eShop. The Jackbox Party Pack 3 takes up 1.5GB of free space.
US filesize on eShop of The Jackbox party pack 3 is 1.5 Go and $24.99 on #NintendoSwitch@GoNintendoTweet @NinEverything @NintendoHall
— Samy Joe (@JeGeekJePlay) April 10, 2017
Runner3 shares details on its Hero Quests
Posted on 7 years ago by Zack in News, Switch eShop | 1 Comment
One of the new gameplay elements added in the Switch exclusive Runner3 is the addition of Hero Quests. In a recent blog post, we finally get some details on what these Hero Quests actually are.
Here’s what Choice Provisions had to say:
Just like its predecessors, Runner3 is going to be a fast-paced romp through a whimsical world. This is something we never want to disrupt or get in the way of. As such, Hero Quests are a wholly optional element of the game, and they’ll never appear on the “main” path of any level. Of course, we highly suggest doing these quests, but the choice is entirely yours.
When you approach a quest giver in the game, a conversation will trigger. You’ll be assigned a quest—such as gathering ingredients to make a stargazy pie—and be sent on your merry way. Should you choose to complete this quest, you’ll be rewarded generously. We could just flat-out tell you what the rewards will be, but it feels more fun to leave it a mystery. It’s no fun if we tell you everything.
Now that I’ve talked your ear off, let’s pretend you didn’t just skip all the text in this post (this sentence included) and jump straight to the photo below. Feast your eyes on Sir Stromming, one of the quest givers in Runner3:
Doesn’t he look like a total sweetie? We’re absolutely smitten over here.
More: Choice Provisions, Runner3
First 7 minutes of Mr. Shifty on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 7 Comments
Mr. Shifty is one of this week’s big releases on Switch. Take a look at the first seven minutes of footage from the game below.
More: Mr. Shifty, Team Shifty, tinyBuild
42 minutes of Yooka-Laylee footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 6 Comments
Over at GiantBomb, the site shares 42 minutes of footage from Playtonic’s 3D platformer Yooka-Laylee. You can check it out below.