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Wii U eShop

Some footage has come in of High Strangeness’ Wii U build. Check it out below.

Capcom is bringing a new Mega Man game to the Virtual Console tomorrow as part of “Mega May”. However, Nintendo’s website confirms that a second VC title is due out as well. Metal Marines will arrive tomorrow on the Wii U eShop for $7.99.

Source, Via

Ronimo Games released the second “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, it’s two Berserkers and one Swordsman versus four Axethrowers. Check it out below.

Yooka-Laylee’s Kickstarter success is no secret. The campaign reached its $270,000 target in under an hour, and has gone on to raise over $2.1 million.

The strong support demonstrated for Yooka-Laylee is leading to a couple of records. First, the title reached $1 million in funding faster than any other game on Kickstarter. It’s also on track to be the most-successful game campaign in the UK.

Developer Playtonic confirmed on Twitter a few minutes ago:

The Yooka-Laylee Kickstarter is located here. Amazingly enough, there are 41 days left before it ends!


Disastercake prepared a new video for Soul Saga. In today’s video, we get a new look at the game’s beta build. Take a look at it below.

Playtonic’s new 3D platformer is called “Yooka-Laylee”. As it turns out, those are also the names of the game’s lead characters. Yooka is the chameleon while Laylee is the bat.

So how’d Playtonic come up with those names anyway? In a new website interview, artist Greg Mayles explained:

It was planned like this from the start. Yes, that’s right. It wasn’t just a happy coincidence that ‘Ukulele’ splits so well into two character names, honest.

Actually, someone on the team picked up a Hawaiian dictionary and apparently ‘’uku’ means ‘a small brained person’ and ‘lele’ means ‘to fly’ or, excitingly, ‘to get off of a vehicle’. That’s definitely not a coincidence either.

Yooka-Laylee came to Kickstarter last week, and quickly surpassed its $270,000 funding goal. Over $2.1 million has been raised thus far.


Adventures of Pip won’t be launching this month as originally expected. In a new Kickstarter update, developer TicToc Games confirmed that the game has been delayed to June.

We are sad to announce that Adventures of Pip’s release date for both Steam and the WiiU (NA) has been pushed back to June 2015. We’re finalizing the build and locking in a new release date before making any future announcements. We will continue to update you guys on any news regarding any release date announcements across all platforms.

We apologize for the date change so late in the game, but never fear, Pip will be coming to your favorite platform soon!

Adventures of Pip was last scheduled for May 14. We should be hearing about a new release date fairly soon.


Disney Interactive just released the first trailer for Disney Infinity 3.0. We’ve posted it below.

Ronimo Games has kicked off its new “Daily Duel” video series for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, two Berserkers compete against three Axethrowers. Check it out below.

Nexis Games issued another four screenshots from UCraft today. View them below.

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