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Wii U eShop

Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham has shared his own perspective with regard to working on Wii U.

Although Watsham noted on Twitter that he’s not a programmer, he did say, “from what I gather the Wii U is not more difficult to develop for than other platforms.” Simple enough!

Watsham’s tweet in full:


Wii U eShop

A few titles have been discounted on the Wii U eShop. There’s nothing too major, but here’s a roundup of the latest savings:

Ben 10 Omniverse – $19.95 (was $29.95) – permanent
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures – $29.99 (was $39.99) – permanent
Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game – $19.95 (was $29.99) – permanent


The Legend of the Mystical Ninja will release on the European Wii U Virtual Console next week, according to a listing on Nintendo of Europe’s site. Pricing for the SNES classic is set at €7.99 / £5.49.

In December, The Legend of the Mystical Ninja launched on the North American Wii U eShop. You can download the game now for $8.


Lost Decade Games plans to bring A Wizard’s Lizard to Wii U down the road. A release date hasn’t been set, though it’ll hopefully arrive sooner rather than later.

The fact that development on A Wizard’s Lizard has been completed hopefully means we’ll be seeing the game hitting the eShop in the near future. On PC, it’s due out on January 22.


Rainy Frog formed back in September with two primary goals. First, the company will be assisting others in bringing their western eShop titles to Japan. Rainy Frog also intends to release Japanese games overseas.

The publisher is starting its efforts with the Japanese launch of Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party, which will be renamed “Waiwai! Minna De Challenge”. Whereas the Wii U eShop title was primarily aimed at adults in the west, founder Anthony Byus tells Nintendo Life that the Japanese release will be made “more appealing to the family-orientated Japanese Wii U market”.


It’s been a long wait, but it appears that F1 Race Stars: Powered Up Edition will finally be reaching North America next week. Nintendo has the game listed for release on January 16 for the Wii U eShop. F1 Race Stars: Powered Up Edition was originally slated for December, but was pushed back for unspecified reasons.


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