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Wii U eShop

The following is an excerpt from the latest round of Iwata Asks about the development of Wii Sports Club. Specifically, these quotes relate to the game’s online functionality (Miiverse included) and how the team (including folks from Namco Bandai, who helped the game along) tackled various issues that they came across:

“When we thought about how we want people to have fun with Wii Sports on the new hardware, the Wii U console, there was no way, given the expectations, that we couldn’t prepare online gaming. So as we began development, we set online gameplay of Tennis — the representative sport of Wii Sports — as our first goal. [We wanted to] pour our energy into how we could make [online gaming] fun.”

“In a typical online game, the information of the button presses are sent to your opponent, and the inputs are synchronized between the players, but for this game you have to send complex information from the gyro sensor and accelerometer of the Wii Remote Plus controllers, in addition to information from the buttons, which was a brand new challenge.”

– Nintendo EAD Takayuki Shimamura

Specifically regarding Miiverse:

“So we thought about how [Miiverse] should work. But if we were to simply implement Miiverse to a sporting game, the winners would probably write cheerful comments like ‘Yay! I won!’ But I bet the losers would hardly write anything at all, like ‘Oh I’m so frustrated I lost.’ We were concerned that Miiverse would become a cruel place. We also thought many people who play Wii Sports would have never played competitive games online.”

“Everyone has a hometown or someplace where they live, so we thought about setting it up in a way as if at first you join the sports club in the area where you live, and if we made sports clubs for the various states and provinces, each of the regions could compete.”

– Nintendo EAD Takayuki Shimamura

Via Polygon

Two new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Clock Tower (Super Famicom) and Donkey Kong 3(Famicom) will be out on November 6. Pricing is set at 800 yen and 500 yen respectively.


FAST Racing Neo

Shin’en has revealed FAST Racing Neo, a sequel to the studio’s WiiWare title released in 2011. The new title is due out in 2014.

No details about FAST Racing Neo are available at this time. You can find a teaser site here.

Be on the lookout for a new announcement from Shin’en. The studio has confirmed an imminent reveal of its next title for Wii U.

According to Shin’en, the announcement will be taking place within the next day.

The company wrote on Twitter:


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This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Adventure Time Explore the Dungeon Trailer
NES Baseball Trailer
NES Pinball Trailer
Disney Infinity Toy Story in Space Play Set Video
Super Mario 3D World Trailer 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut BTS Trailer
New York Comic Con – Mr. Aonuma Panel
Pokemon X and Y Museum


Wii Party U Family Trailer
Pokemon X/Y Museum
New York Comic Con – Mr. Aonuma Panel

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

Wii Sports Club wasn’t an entirely internal effort from Nintendo. Revealed in the latest Iwata Asks, the Big N ended up working with Namco Bandai on the game’s development.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata as well as designers Kozo Makino and Takayuki Shimamura spoke about the decision to bring in Namco Bandai for the creation of Wii Sports Club. The group stated:

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