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Wii U

Terra Incognita has a shot of landing on Wii U. The game’s developer has confirmed that a version will be made for Nintendo’s console if its Kickstarter campaign reaches £3500.

The total currently stands at just over £2600. That means another £900 is needed within the next 15 hours for a Wii U version of Terra Incognita to happen.

Source, Via

Deep Silver will be supporting Wii U. When asked about any plans for the console, the company said that it does intend to make games for the console.

For Wii, Deep Silver didn’t exactly throw a lot of support at the system. But the publisher did give the console Cursed Mountain, one of the few “mature” Wii games at the time.


This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance – 7
Tomb Raider – 8
Crysis 3 – 6
Aliens: Colonial Marines – 5
Luigi’s Mansion 2 – 8
LEGO City: Undercover – 5
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate – 7
Year Walk – 9
Anodyne – 8
Kairo – 7

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Here’s a random stat about the Dragon Quest X Wii U beta. In order to add the download to a Wii U console, you’ll need 5.94GB of space. The game just barely fits on a Basic Set.

One other note – Dragon Quest X Wii U save data comes in at 8MB.


Big John Games announced on Twitter yesterday that Nintendo has approved the company as an official Wii U developer. The team is “exploring how to bring awesome gaming experiences” for the console, but couldn’t provide any specifics just yet.

Big John Games just released Coaster Creator 3D on the 3DS eShop last week. The game can be purchased for $9.99.

Source, Source

When Nintendo said they were trying to be indie friendly (or rather, indie developers said Nintendo was trying to be indie friendly), I was honestly pretty skeptical given the Big N’s past with digital download shops, but today yet another game developer has said they’ll likely bring their next game to the Wii U if they reach their Kickstarter goal.

“We are already licensed Nintendo developers and have Wii U dev kits that we’ll be using to get it up and running on Wii U. If we get funded we will try to bring it to as many platforms as possible with the funds we get and will use the profits from the game to bring it to consoles we couldn’t afford prior. Long story short, yes, we hope to bring it to the Wii U as quickly as possible.”

– Robotoki statement

Robotoki’s game The Adventures of Dash is a really artistically interesting sidescrolling puzzle game that’s coming to PC in the future, and I would be completely okay with seeing it hit Wii U as well! I absolutely love how many developers we’re seeing say “Yea, we’ll definitely try and bring our game to Wii U”, and I can’t help but feel a teeny tiny bit of extra joy that they’re only mentioning Wii U as of now– no other systems. Nintendo might finally be doing download shops correctly!

You can give The Adventures of Dash your dollars by clicking here!

Via Nintendo Life

Yet another interview with Shigeru Miyamoto has gone live. TIME quizzed the legendary game designer about a series of topics, including Wii U’s launch titles, new IPs, the core vs. casual demographics, and whether his younger self could have foreseen what has happened in the industry over the past few decades.

Read up on all of Miyamoto’s responses below.

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