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Nintendo has published a new press release, which reveals the latest details about Splatoon. You can find it in full below.

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Splatoon, Nintendo’s upcoming third-person action shooter game for the Wii U console, combines elements of shooting, strategy and action – and original new characters, Inklings, that can instantaneously transform between human and squid form. Splatoon gives players the goal of covering as much territory as possible with their ink-spewing weapons. The game, which is scheduled to launch in May, features four-on-four online team matches, as well as a full single-player mode that takes players deeper into the game’s unique world and characters.

The game’s main online mode is Turf War, in which players with broadband Internet access can compete head-to-head in four-on-four teams to try to cover as much territory as possible in their team’s ink. As they do battle, players will gain levels and earn in-game currency that allows them to customize their Inkling. Players can equip different pieces of clothing, which each provide different game-play perks like swimming more quickly through ink or decreasing the time needed for them to refill their ink canister. Players can also equip pre-determined weapon sets consisting of main weapons like rapid-fire ink guns, long-range ink rifles and paint rollers, as well as sub-weapons like ink bombs or sprinklers. Players can also fill up their special gauge in battle to unleash powerful special weapons for a brief period of time. Players will battle in a variety of online multiplayer maps, including the newly announced Blackbelly Skatepark, Saltspray Rig and Walleye Warehouse.

Last week, Nintendo of America held a Splatoon press event at its Redmond, Washington headquarters. Reggie Fils-Aime was in attendance, and shared a few words about the new game.

Fils-Aime stated that Splatoon is “aiming to do for action shooters what Mario Kart did for racing.” He also said that its a “major” new IP for Nintendo, and mentioned that it’s “not just about kills. It’s designed to be fun no matter what your skill level is.”



There has been plenty of talk and a fair amount of speculation about Splatoon possibly receiving voice chat support. Unfortunately, however, the title won’t make use of the feature at all. GameXplain has confirmed with Nintendo that Splatoon will not offer any sort of voice chat support.


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Nintendo will add Ranked Battles to Splatoon following the game’s launch in May, the company has confirmed.

As for what Ranked Battles entail, they’re entirely about objective gametypes. Players will need to have obtained level 10 in online Turf Wars – which was first shown at E3 2014 – in order to participate.

According to a Nintendo representative:

“Once you reach level 10, you’ll be able to play Ranked Battles. However, we’ll be watching the global progress of how many people reach level 10 and, once that’s hit a certain threshold, we’ll turn that on for everyone to play.”

Regarding the decision, Nintendo feels that Turf War will provide players will enough experience with Splatoon’s core mechanics. Nintendo is also emphasizing that these skills are necessary to succeed in Ranked Battles.

Ranked Battles will use a dynamic leveling system that matches players of similar skill levels in online battles. Letter grades are implemented, beginning with C-, and is independent of the player’s overall level.


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Terra Formars: Fierce Battle on the Crimson Planet (3DS) – 7/6/7/6
Deadman’s Cross (PSV) – 7/5/6/7

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