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The latest Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash gameplay video – once again from GameSpot – shows some gameplay with Super Chibi Robo. Check it out below.

Leading up to Super Mario Maker’s release on Sept. 11th, we’re highlighting some of the coolest, most creative, or just plain ridiculous levels users have created so far. In this episode, we check out the level “A Song of Ice and Fire” from Michael, who channels his inner Game of Thrones-fanboy when creating this level!

If you have any suggestions for levels give us a shout in the comments!

The latest episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta kick off “Super Mario Maker SUP-tember” with a few unboxings. Take a look at the new Nintendo Minute below.

Kotaku has posted some footage of the upcoming Wii U eShop title Nova-111. The video can be seen below.

Nintendo added another Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer commercial to its “Play Nintendo” YouTube channel today. You can give it a watch below.

Nintendo’s latest Japanese Super Mario Maker gives us a look at the fly swatter mini-game. Check it out below.

Bandai Namco published a new Pro Yakyuu Famista Returns trailer earlier today. View it below.

Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few European digital game highlights from August 2015. You can watch it below.

40 additional minutes of Zombie Vikings footage is now available for viewing. We have the latest video below.

Nintendo has opened the Japanese website for Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash. You can access it here. Three clips from the site are below.

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