Aonuma wants to change Zelda formula, getting tired of it, doing tests for Wii U Zelda
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 5 Comments
Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma and the rest of his team attempted to change up the series’ classic standards with Skyward Sword. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to get the results they desired.
Aonuma seems more dead set on mixing things up with the first original Zelda for Wii U. He personally is pushing for change, as he’s “getting tired” of the formula.
The brand new Zelda title appears to be in the testing stages currently. Aonuma told the Los Angeles Times that the team is “exploring our options” and “still seeing what we can do.”
It’s not that anyone is telling me we have to change the formula. I want to change it. I’m kind of getting tired of it. If I’m getting tired of it, then I’m sure other people are getting tired of it. There is an essential ‘Zelda’ I feel we need to stay true to. We are still testing things, exploring our options. We haven’t landed anywhere at this point. We’re still seeing what we can do.
What I want to do, not specifically with Link but with the ‘Zelda’ franchise, I’m always striving to make something no one else can, something that is so distinctly ‘Zelda’ that it can only be done in a ‘Zelda’ game. There are times when I hit walls and I can’t come up with new ideas and I think maybe I should just give up and quit, but eventually a new idea comes along and I’m proud of myself. It breeds new life into the creative process. I go through these phases, over and over again. I hope those high points keep on coming.
One element that will probably remain unchanged is the lack of voice acting. Aonuma feels that adding voices is unlikely to happen.
Injustice: Gods Among Us – Martian Manhunter confirmed as next character DLC, trailer
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Warner Bros. and NetherRealm Studios announced Martian Manhunter as the fifth DLC character for Injustice: Gods Among Us at Evo 2013 today. Additionally, the John Stewart Green Lantern skin will be added to the fighter.
UK: Pre-order Pikmin 3 at GAME, get a key ring
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment

Those who pre-order Pikmin 3 from GAME will receive a Pink Flying Pikmin key ring. If you’ve already reserved it from the retailer, you’ll still receive the bonus. An image of the key ring is attached above.
Media Create software sales (7/1 – 7/7) – Top 50
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
01./00. [PS3] Earth Defense Force 2025
02./02. [PSV] Toukiden #
03./04. [PSP] Toukiden
04./01. [PS3] Gundam Breaker
05./07. [3DS] Friend Collection: New Life #
06./00. [360] Earth Defense Force 2025
07./09. [3DS] Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
08./08. [PS3] The Last of Us
09./00. [3DS] Toriko: Gourmet Battle!
10./03. [3DS] Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl
11./11. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf #
12./13. [3DS] Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon
13./06. [3DS] Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode
14./05. [PS3] Atelier Escha & Logy: The Alchemist of Empty Twilight #
15./18. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Super Deluxe Edition #
16./15. [PS3] Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2
17./23. [3DS] Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission
18./21. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Best Price!)
19./10. [PS3] Date A Live: Rine Utopia #
20./44. [PSP] Dangan-Ronpa (PSP the Best) #
Miyamoto compares the Pikmin games, why Pikmin 3 was brought to Wii U
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
More quotes from Shigeru Miyamoto’s interview with 4Gamer have popped online. There still isn’t an official translation, but what we have will have to do for now.
The latest Miyamoto tidbits come with regards to Pikmin. First, he made a comparison between the series’ games:
When it came to Pikmin 2, I heard a lot of complaints with the first game that had to be fixed. However, if you fix every single issue that the audience is dissatisfied with, then what makes the game interesting (in the first place)? That is the unresolved question. Therefore, I reflected on the aspect of multiple endings that were originally in Pikmin 1, and with the thought of creating it properly again I made Pikmin 3.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist footage
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Ubisoft CEO talks Wii U, says Nintendo might have a chance if they get strong brands out this year
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments

“Because we believe a lot in the second screen and the touch possibilities, the fact that you have a different way to play. We learned a lot in doing that and we are already reusing that knowledge using companion apps on tablets, telephones and so on. What I see is we will be able to use a lot more of those devices on the big games we will create. The companion is going to step-by-step become another device to play that will be adapted to a larger audience and still be very interesting to gamers.
“You will be able to play with friends from outside of home and still have a big impact on what’s happening in the game. We will see a big increase in terms of that possibility over the next few years.”
“You can do a lot [with tablets]. What the Nintendo GamePad has is the speed of communication between the two devices, but if you manage to cope with higher latency [on other devices] you can still do many things. So you don’t want players to have to react too fast… it’s complementary to the experience.
“So when we add all of those possibilities, plus graphics and AI, we think that the [next-gen] games will be of a fantastic quality and give us a chance to deliver something different from what you had in the old generation.”
– Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot
Another round of Pikmin 3 art
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 2 Comments
Another round of Pikmin 3 footage
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Iwata Asks: New Super Luigi U now live
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
With the launch of a Nintendo product comes a new Iwata Asks. That’s no different with New Super Luigi U, which is technically more of a DLC release. You can read the full discussion with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata and the game’s developers here.